The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Lol not much man, just remembered that I ordered their new one ages ago or a while ago and remember how they/ local scene used to act all high and might when I was young. Fuck em I wanna smack them in the face lol.
They don't know me and I don't know them but I paid for their cd, Fucken assholes.
Listening to my upstairs neighbor puke for like the 40 time the last two weeks. Pregnant, obviously. I suspect she's already had a child taken away from her from the state--our mail was mixed up a few times and for a period of a few weeks, I heard a child running around at 12AM on the weekends while she did whatever above my bedroom.
She's not bad looking. Her name is Denell (D'uh-nell, for you EUs, aka Aussies). She laughs nice-like. Also smokes blunts. During the mail mix-up fiasco, I knocked on her apartment door at like 5PM and she answered a minute or so later wearing one of those blanket-things that have holes in them. Maybe I saw her nipples. Maybe not. I suspect that she could be a prostitute because of her work schedule (this only came to me a couple of weeks ago), but then perhaps I'm just being a white non-regular-work-schedule-asshole. Who knows? I know she's paying for her apartment alone, however, given the fact she's always awake until 5AM and frequently having men I've never seen before arrive (Indeed, I am a white man who can distinguish black faces).
It's saturday morning. I'm going to peg myself and then have a glass of wine. Me and my girlfriend are invited to some lunch as my grandfather turned 85. It's an Italian place so I'm probably gonnu have beers and a pizza. Oh well.
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Sipping on some brandy and listening to Rama. Wishing I had the freedom to get high whenever I wanted. I have edibles sitting in the fridge but I limit myself to breaks between semesters. Maybe spring break this time.
I'm sipping on some wine. I wonder if I can manage to resist food before the lunch. I'm hungry already. Empty. I'm already making important choices in my head like "pizza or pasta" and "what topping", "should I have a soup" among others more beer related like "bottled Urquell or tapped Stella". Then there's the more long-term decisions like "should I get drunk straight after the lunch" and "would that anger my girlfriend".
^dude I know the feels. I actually felt like getting my party on tonight only to discover in the long months I've been antisocial my friends aged as much as I have. Like... We don't know anyone down to have a party. I need young friends. Or single friends who still have a stupid zest for existence. I wanna get drunk and blaze and pretend life matters.
Most of my friends are younger than me. Like, 19-20 to my 25. So they're still more than game to get high, get drunk and party, I just sadly don't have the funds to do so lately. I pretty much haven't drank in just under a month. Not a drop.