The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Inspired by the food thread I made gorgonzola papardelle and also torta di rizo, a rice cake with leek and spinach. Then I came on my girlfriend's butt and just as I was coming I shat myself a little so I was like whoops. Luckily I left my underpants on while sex so it didn't land on her legs or anything, otherwise she would probably be surprised about the consistency and color of my sperm on this nice afternoon. I think she knew though, as I left the bed particularly hastily that time. She probably heard me farting on the toilet afterwards too, but she's used to my disturbingly loud farts at this point.

Yesterday I was having beers with my friend and his crazy chick. The one chick that claims to have an octopus in her head that has a gun shooting regrets inside her head. We were in my favorite bar and apparently somebody touched her butt on the toilet the previous time they were there. I asked my friend about all the details regarding that incident as I like to hear all the details when it comes to butt contact and drunken molestation of mentally and physically unripe specimens of a supposedly adult woman. The guy told me about his inquiry of what happened to his girlfriend. I wanted to know how her butt was touched, if it was a simple drunken slap or what kind of perverted touch it was. He said it was the ugly kind and started turning red. Apparently he touched her girlfriend several ways to get to know where and how she had been touched. Turns out she was touched from behind and somewhat to the inside which we like to call a backroom rake in my neighborhood. So I told him - oh, a backroom rake, brother.

When I say unripe fruit I mean a girl that is 18 or 19 but looks 16 and for some reason wears black lingerie and sexy black minidress showing a lot of what could have been tits but instead there really is absolutely nothing. She's kind of awkward about her entire existence and used to call her ex a wolf and calls my friend a panther. I of course interrogated a little asking what she considered herself if her boyfriends are predater wilderbeasts. After many farts worth of time of blushing and looking away she said she was a pussycat.

Tell me no more, girl. No more.
I've done nothing so far. I have to send an email to me debate team, with some websites about the next topic : Military recruiters should be allowed on high school campuses. Heh. I just feel so goddamn lazy I don't feel like doing a damn thing. I also have to grade and do grad work. Also, I haven't left my bed yet and its 3:13 p.m. I can't tell if this is some form of depression or exhaustion.

Edit: After posting this i felt bad and my conscious got the best of me, so I somehow mustered up energy and sent a long detailed email with a bunch of websites. I can never be a parent. Way too much time sacrificed
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Yeah, there's nothing like putting yourself down in text form to help motivate you to stop being so lazy. I do the same thing sometimes.
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A sweet new old school gaming shop opened nearby... But the goddamned manager wears a furry tail the few times I've been in there. It's making me want to say fuck it because lady, I know why you actually play Sonic, and it makes me sick. How dare ye pervert my interests.
I got asked if I was Jewish today. This is like the 3rd or 4th I've been directly asked this in the last month by non-white a non-white person. I would think it was a non-white thing, but I'm pretty sure that the people at the Jewish museum that I intern at think I'm Jewish as well because I've been asked if I know Hebrew and they occasionally say Yiddish things to me--I respond with a dumb smile, I don't want to fall short of expectations.
Racial profiling!!!

Edit: I've asked a few white dudes if they were Jewish actually, I think it might be a thing among non-whites because we don't have that whole white guilt complex (mustn't ask anybody anything that could get me dubbed as a racist etc) thing going on so we're not as hesitant about the question.
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