The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

@RedStorm You keep calling our society capitalist and I agree that in part it is, but education isn't a requirement for getting ahead in a capitalist society as you seem to think.

Capitalism is literally a free market economic system that is heavily dependent on technological advancement to promote further profit. However you want to define what 'being educated' means, capitalism thrives on the smart making things better for the wealthy.
Which requires one to get a degree that isn't a useless piece of toilet paper. It's not a requirement to have a great education, it's a few extra bullets in your six shooter if you choose the right shit.

You're hardly a contender with a degree in psychology for example.
Laying in bed. Had an amusing night.

So earlier in the evening, after getting home from work, I spot my shithead neighbor in the apartment hallway; when I am attempting to unlock my apartment door to get in, he starts giving me shit for banging on the wall through the night, the night previous.

"My expensive flatscreen TV is on that wall, so if you guys bang on the walls again... I'm gonna call the cops. My TV isn't even that loud"
he says.

I told him in the most condescending tone possible, that actually, it is loud; and that unlike his jobless ass, who sleeps every day and Skypes and blares music every night, I actually have to get sleep for work through the nights. So if he values the good condition of his flatscreen, keep it the fuck down.

He then angrily began a sentence, walking up towards my apartment door. He got the words "Yeah, well--" out of his mouth when I basically slammed my door in his face.

I then spent the remainder of the night laughing like a motherfucker about it. He's strangely quiet tonight; no music or Skype calls.

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Which requires one to get a degree that isn't a useless piece of toilet paper. It's not a requirement to have a great education, it's a few extra bullets in your six shooter if you choose the right shit.

You're hardly a contender with a degree in psychology for example.
Where do you live?
Also I suppose a degree is psychology is useful if you want to be a psycologist
And being a psychologist is a pretty shit way to make money, that was my point. I live inside Mother Theresa's asshole.

And being a psychologist is a pretty shit way to make money, that was my point. I live inside Mother Theresa's asshole.

I see nothing wrong with making money by doing something you like. I define success by as getting a job doing what you want in the field you either studied or trained in. But like you mentioned before, the education/degree part of it is only as good as how you use it.

That said, I have experience working with people who are mentally ill, and quite honestly it is the last thing in life that I would want to do. It's one of those things that kind of fascinated me as a kid, but when it comes down to it a clinical psychologist is just someone who has to listen to people who have fucked up lives. Being on the research end would be marginally better, but life in research isnt exactly a picnic.
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I have 3 friends that have psychology degrees and they're all useless. Smart but stuck in a field that brings in little bread.
Maybe it's because they're women and only get paid 68 cents to their male colleague's dollar.
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I have 3 friends that have psychology degrees and they're all useless. Smart but stuck in a field that brings in little bread.
Maybe it's because they're women and only get paid 68 cents to their male colleague's dollar.

Psychology is such a varied field, some areas are more lucrative than others. But you have to have a PhD to really even begin to get into those areas. Of course you could go to school for an additional 4-5 years and start making that psychiatry bank.
What if I told you that a degree in Psychology doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a Psychologist

I was discussing something along this line with my soon-to-be MA advisor at Syracuse. Decent jobs as a history professor are hard to come by and this is especially true if your dissertation is written on something that's out of fashion, like what mine will likely be on. My perspective is that, while I would like to become a professor of history, it's not the only job that I could get with a PhD in history. I'm not pursuing a PhD merely because I want to become a professor--I want to get a PhD in history because I want to experience the process and do some original research on something I'm interested in. If the history professor thing doesn't work out for whatever reason, I could always try to get into the federal government or (god forbid) the corporate world.

This whole mentality of the Bachelor's degree as a job training certificate misses the point. Employers want educated people, not somebody who received a degree by plugging their nose and covering their eyes for four years. Of course, graduate school is different in this regard. I've noticed that many undergraduate students who plan to go on to med or pharmacy school or plan to pursue engineering in graduate school don't realize that they can pursue the liberal arts during their undergraduate education and still make it into med school after they graduate (hell, as long as they pass the MCAT, they'd probably be a shoe-in for their having a broader educational background than other applicants).
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Well, i really don't know what the fuck i want. Its just psychology seems the most appealing, also i doubt id have trouble dealing with anyone. Im just saying i don't expect to become rich and i could care less, I'm more focused on getting money to at least live off of, thats my point, didn't mean to be an asshole, you were just coming off as a cunt CIG. At least to me