The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I don't know what other states do, but NYS has basically made all public places non-smoking and I think vaping is almost on that level. It's also illegal to smoke with kids in your car
I hear a lot about how NYS is a nanny state. Driving with kids is not so bad, we have that here I think. With the window down it's fine so it's kind of asinine as a law, but not worth rabble-rousing about.
So why don't you both be honest and just say you want to prohibit smoking? Because the next step from "but the health of customers and staff" is "but the health of people you live with" and the next step from that is "but your neighbours if you smoke outside your home" and it just rolls on.

I don't want to prohibit smoking. You should be able to smoke in your own home or in designated outdoor locations. You shouldn't be able to force other people to partake of your second-hand smoke by smoking indoors at bars or restaurants.

If I'm drinking something in a bar and you're sitting nearby, my drink isn't getting in your drink or in your mouth. My decision to drink something that you don't like has no effect on you. If you're smoking in a bar and I'm nearby, I have to no choice but to smell and taste your cigarette smoke, which in turn has an effect on me and my ability to enjoy my drink at the bar.

This is one of the many reasons why you can't compare people smoking in a bar to people drinking there and say that people shouldn't be allowed to complain about it at a bar of all places.
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Have to agree with Omni on this one to a degree. I don't think businesses should be told they have to disallow smoking, but the act of smoking is, at this juncture, extremely stupid in itself, plus selfish as hell when in public.
I don't want to prohibit smoking. You should be able to smoke in your own home or in designated outdoor locations. You shouldn't be able to force other people to partake of your second-hand smoke by smoking indoors at bars or restaurants.

If I'm drinking something in a bar and you're sitting nearby, my drink isn't getting in your drink or in your mouth. My decision to drink something that you don't like has no effect on you. If you're smoking in a bar and I'm nearby, I have to no choice but to smell and taste your cigarette smoke, which in turn has an effect on me and my ability to enjoy my drink at the bar.

This is one of the many reasons why you can't compare people smoking in a bar to people drinking there and say that people shouldn't be allowed to complain about it at a bar of all places.

But you're in favour of laws that punish people for smoking in cars with minors? Why does that not extend to smoking in a house with minors?
CiG: do you think you should be allowed to smoke in in the hospital or in the airplane? If not, why is that arbitary line fine but not when the line is drawn with smoking in bars it is suddenly just an excuse to ban it alltogether? :)
Because bars and pubs (not all but many) have always been the culturally agreed upon appropriate spaces for social smoking.

In the end it doesn't really affect me, I don't like pubs or bars anymore, mostly due to this very kind of wimpy yuppie gentrification. Those places are mostly filled with annoying uppity twats these days anyway.
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But other places like the ones I mentioned have also allowed smoking before and then also used to be places for that. I don't really care either you just sound so hypocritical, which I guess you know.
Yeah they use to allow smoking for clinical lab scientists (people who test your blood and pee and stuff). It wasn't a good idea because they'd test something crucial like a kidney for transplant and leave it out or in the machine too long because they would take too long of a cigarette break. Or too much smoke would obstruct the results.

I'm sorry, but people can fuck right the fuck off with their cigarette nonsense in terms of bats, restaurants or places that are enclosed. Why should people be subjected to that? Because in the past it was okay? There were many things in the past
that was okay, doesn't make it right. I use to work at a restaurant that had a garden in the back and people would be dicks and start chain smoke and everyone would complain. It'd have the whole garden foggy and smelling like shit. And I agreed with those who complained and would politely tell smokers to out their cigarette. Shit stinks and you're trying to eat and there's kids around. People also have medical conditions like asthma. Nope.
So then just outright ban cigarettes. All I'm asking is for you guys to be consistent with how you weaponise the state against free individuals doing something which is legal.

None of those comparisons are even similar to a bar or a pub, especially not a pub. The idea that you go to those kinds of social establishments, see someone smoking and instead of functioning like a free-willed adult and leave or move, you just government banhammer the whole shit is what I find cretinous about it. I'm a liberal, I believe in liberty, controversial I know.

Bunch of authoritarians.
I'm in CIG's camp. If I go to a pub, I expect to see people smoking. I am not a smoker and believe that the government should not be involved in the decisions of how a business operates. If a business figures out that allowing smoking is turning away potential customers, they will find a way to adapt to appease everyone (assuming the business owner is smart enough to figure it out).

You could also look at it from the perspective that at least the vices are being done in the same place (ie: smoking and drinking: two things that ultimately ruin your body) whereas being in a restaurant, people are there for sustenance (drinking may be involved of course).

If there's a designated smoking area, that's fine but outright banning it is stupid. Let people ruin their bodies if they want.
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But you're in favour of laws that punish people for smoking in cars with minors? Why does that not extend to smoking in a house with minors?

I didn't say anything about it at all, actually. I do think that smoking around kids is shitty and that should definitely be illegal.
I didn't say anything about it at all, actually. I do think that smoking around kids is shitty and that should definitely be illegal.

So you're in favour of banning smoking in the home too. Now that we've straightened that out I think we should all move on, neither side will concede and anybody on the fence has read enough to decide for themselves where they stand.

I'm drunk and watching Sudden Impact. Hail Clint Eastwood.