The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Liver and kidney problems potentially, but only on the long term. The most immediate risk is the possibility of dying in your sleep. Being contra-indicated depressants, taking them together could potentially cause you to stop breathing while asleep. I've had beers with heroin before though and I didn't die, despite the fact I also have sleep apnea.

when the hell did you do heroin
I have tried several different wines. Everything is just varying levels of dry and vinegary. I don't see the appeal unless you grew up on the stuff.

Keep trying more, it will grow on you. You have to find your first favorite varietal also. It really helps to not buy random cheap stuff. There are good cheap wines but you have to do your research beforehand, or go to a store that has wine ratings.
Keep trying more, it will grow on you. You have to find your first favorite varietal also. It really helps to not buy random cheap stuff. There are good cheap wines but you have to do your research beforehand, or go to a store that has wine ratings.

Forgot about it last night, but there's also no carbonation lol
Are there wines that aren't sweet but aren't vinegary and are carbonated?

You might try Rondel Brut Cava (under $10), which is milder than a typically dry brut. Or any Lambrusco, which is somewhat sweet but not overly, it's still a red wine.

I don't really taste vinegar in wines though, unless they've been sitting open in my fridge for a week or more. Wine turns to vinegar over time (many days) after being opened.

Personally I like vinegar based hot sauces and salad dressings, so even that doesn't bother me. If you're particularly sensitive to vinegar though I can see you not liking stronger wines at first. It's an acquired taste, as they say.
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when the hell did you do heroin

About a year and a half ago. Figured I oughta cross it off my bucket list when the opportunity presented itself. I snorted it of course. Mainlining is for throwing your life away. It wasn't much to my liking. I used to like opiates and did them fairly regularly, but then morphine decided it didn't like my stomach and every opiate I've had since hasn't sat with me well. That and doing drugs generally is a mostly boring experience nowadays and it's been like that for a few years. It's fun for a little while, but then I spend the rest of the high thinking about how its a waste of time.
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About a year and a half ago. Figured I oughta cross it off my bucket list when the opportunity presented itself. I snorted it of course. Mainlining is for throwing your life away. It wasn't much to my liking. I used to like opiates and did them fairly regularly, but then morphine decided it didn't like my stomach and every opiate I've had since hasn't sat with me well. That and doing drugs generally is a mostly boring experience nowadays and it's been like that for a few years. It's fun for a little while, but then I spend the rest of the high thinking about how its a waste of time.

It really is. It's just escapism.
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Is it a waste of time if you're doing stuff that's productive while on it? I agree it's definitely a waste of time if you're just sitting around watching tv, etc, or if it's getting in the way of achieving long term goals.
About a year and a half ago. Figured I oughta cross it off my bucket list when the opportunity presented itself. I snorted it of course. Mainlining is for throwing your life away. It wasn't much to my liking. I used to like opiates and did them fairly regularly, but then morphine decided it didn't like my stomach and every opiate I've had since hasn't sat with me well. That and doing drugs generally is a mostly boring experience nowadays and it's been like that for a few years. It's fun for a little while, but then I spend the rest of the high thinking about how its a waste of time.

Morphine as in MS contin? I have a few pills that I'm saving for a special occasion, and I don't really know how much to take, with the lower oral BA. I usually like 10-20 mgs of vicodin when I use opiates, and i have 15 mg ms contin. I use opiates very rarely, anywhere from twice a month, to once every 3 months, so it's not really a problem for me, and i never mix it with anything other than weed. i maybe an idiot to use drugs, but at least know not to mix anything, or to take high doses.

I may have a problem with weed though ;)
Just take it easy on it. Over half of my group from high school fell down the addict path. All of them were initially aware of the possibility and took it easy. Smoking up was the main thing. Then snorting turned to free basing, then fuck it, heroin is pretty cheap, then mainlining, and so on. I attribute my not falling into it for my preference for drinking. I smoked my last year in high school, but drinking had always been my main thing. Once I started college, I cut out smoking (I'll do it if its around, but I'm rarely in social situations as it is) because it dimmed my performance.