The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Sitting here, very disappointed. As I said before I've stopped using inhalants. Someone on a forum suggested that I try nitrous oxide, one of the safer inhalants. I figured "why not", and I tried it a few minutes ago. I took five hits of it from a whipped cream container, nothing happened other than a bit of dazed drowsiness. Very disappointing. I got bored and decided to spray whipped cream into my hand and eat that. That was much more enjoyable. Anyways, I'm not doing that again.
I'm finding my job so incredibly unrewarding lately. Paid well, with zero intellectual stimulation. I think I've become stupider, lessening my future value as an employee elsewhere.

Ideally I'll soon find employment elsewhere...with insurance... and this well paying day job will become my new well paying night job.

And that's how you make shit tons of money. Make yourself indispensable, then shift your full time job to a part time job. Do it forever, a constant revolving door of two lucrative positions.
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I'm finding my job so incredibly unrewarding lately. Paid well, with zero intellectual stimulation. I think I've become stupider, lessening my future value as an employee elsewhere.

Ideally I'll soon find employment elsewhere...with insurance... and this well paying day job will become my new well paying night job.

And that's how you make shit tons of money. Make yourself indispensable, then shift your full time job to a part time job. Do it forever, a constant revolving door of two lucrative positions.

I'd rather become smarter than make more money
I'd rather become smarter than make more money

Ideally.... My next position will offer both. Instead of the latter I'm currently stuck at. So many analytical skills going to waste.

I should definitely pick your brain about mathematics-focused careers sometime though. You're like... My GMD hero.
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I hate math and am secretly jealous of "math people." But happy for you guys too obviously.

However, definitely play on your skills. i find that makes people the most happiest (and if it makes you happy you might end up being really good at it and it'll make you money) doing something they are good at and can withstand doing it for a long time. doesn't have to be anything fancy (i.e. Reciting Shakespeare or some complicated math) something simple as charisma goes a long way too.
However, definitely play on your skills.

This is something that often gets lost in the shuffle of career advice. The best thing for a person to pursue as a career path is something that A. They are better at the most or many people. B. Something they enjoy. C. Something that isn't extremely narrow in application. How one balances those 3 aspects in determining career prospects is up the the individual, but "what are you passionate about???!!" is a terrible line of thinking on its own. Also not a good line of thinking is simply "what will make me a lot of money?" or "what career field has the best job prospects?". Investing time and energy into something you don't like is unlikely to pay the dividends you would want in terms of dollars or prestige, and you'll hate that time of your life spent in it. You never get the seconds, minutes, hours of your life back. Going into a field because of "demand" is risky, as demand can change before you finish training, plus the previously mentioned problems of doing something you don't like. Ofc, if you're going to do something you don't like regardless, do what pays the best, in the area with the lowest relative cost of living/highest QoL. That's another factor people don't consider when assessing P&B packages: What is it going to cost to live where the job is? What is the commute time/what is it like? What is nearby? etc.
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