The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

So I forgot my keys and easily broke into my own house. Despite being too short to reach the window there was a conveniently placed chair in the yard that I used. Not to mention my sister's screen for her window was broken.... I suppose we need to invest in bars for the bottom Windows because that was way too easy.
The new one for phones is super watered down and only fun because of the social aspect. The main series ones are more like strategy RPGs, but there's no tactical movement or deep story like ff tactics. There is some depth as far as types (paper rock scissors gone wild) and breeding though.

It's a turn-based RPG game where you can assemble a team of up to six monsters and battle NPCs or other human players. Most battles are fought by one monster at a time on either side, but the newer games have double and triple battles as well.

Every monster has one or two elemental types associated with them that determine their strengths and weaknesses, in addition to each monster learning different moves and having a different stat spread. Sometimes they can evolve into a stronger monster when they get enough experience points or under other circumstances.

Basically, you play as someone who wants to be the best trainer and collect badges and beat the elite trainers of your region.

Looks like i'll have to check some of the older ones out. Newest Nintendo console/handheld i have is the original Wii, so ill probably have to go with something that plays on that.

edit: oh, and for some lulz ...
So I forgot my keys and easily broke into my own house. Despite being too short to reach the window there was a conveniently placed chair in the yard that I used. Not to mention my sister's screen for her window was broken.... I suppose we need to invest in bars for the bottom Windows because that was way too easy.

Or get glass block. It'll look nicer.
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^I share your elitism. It pisses me off when people don't have an appreciation for selective breeding too. Like bitch why the fuck do you have four of the same Pokemon right now, transfer that shit and just level up one.

Or the people with multiple vaporeons. Fucking transfer them and use the candy to get another eevolution.

To be fair, Vaporeon is pretty fucking powerful and only has two weaknesses on the app. The game is annoying to me. Not sure how much longer I'm going to continue. The fact that your Pokemon' attacks can be rerolled when they evolve is an awful mechanic. There's literally no way to know if you have a good Pokemon or not...and what's up with Pokemon like Venomoth having unchangeable off type attacks? Is STAB a thing in this game btw? I have no idea...
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Looks like i'll have to check some of the older ones out. Newest Nintendo console/handheld i have is the original Wii, so ill probably have to go with something that plays on that.

edit: oh, and for some lulz ...

Competitive Pokemon is pretty wild. Depends on strategy and prediction. I'd suggest an online emulator other than actually doing it in game because the breeding and move availability plus a fuckton of Pokemon can be a pretty big headache.
Competitive Pokemon is pretty wild. Depends on strategy and prediction. I'd suggest an online emulator other than actually doing it in game because the breeding and move availability plus a fuckton of Pokemon can be a pretty big headache.

We can have a random battle on pokemon showdown. What do you think, Krow?
Buffalo Trace and Adam Sandler's At a Medium Pace on karaoke.
Good stuff. I love karaoke. I even help run it.

Sunday's karaoke was fucked when I went. I agreed to run it all night for the guy in exchange for beers, so I was sitting at the computer slamming free beers and singing once every rotation also.

Well, lo and behold, halfway through the night, one of the really mouthy karaoke divas was there; starts trying to get me to bump her up in the rotation because "I need to sing this song now, it played at my father's funeral today; I just buried my dad and everyone at my table wants to hear it." I politely tell her sorry, I can't bump you up, it's not fair to the ten people above you in the rotation, you can sing when you're next up and no sooner. She says "I'm leaving soon, I can't stay that long". Again I say sorry, but no. So she goes to the owner of the equipment and bugs him, he tells her no as well. Owner of the equipment comes up to me and says if she gives me a hard time again, I have free reign to tell her to find somewhere else to sing from now on.

Then, six songs in, I'm up. I sing Slayer - Raining Blood. I can hear her bitching about "they won't let me sing but he can sing this fucking shit? This stuff is shit." Blah blah blah.

When she eventually was up, she sings her song. When she is done, I tell her outright "listen. You need to understand there are rules here, and you need to wait your turn just like anyone else. Throwing a tantrum, and mouthing about people's songs - yes I heard you - doesn't fly here. Keep it up and I won't allow you to sing here anymore."

She looked at me stunned, then walked off pissed to her table. She ended up staying the rest of the night. So not only was she mouthy, she outright lied to my face, about having to leave, so I'd bump her up in the rotation. Lol.

I wonder if all karaokes have prissy divas like that, or just the one in my area, lmao.
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