The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Meh, it's true that weed won't stimulate your creativity if you don't have any in the first place, but it's a creativity performance enhancer. Whatever shit Lance Armstrong took wouldn't have helped him to win the Tour De France if he was a crummy cyclist in the first place, but it gave him an edge which was enough for him to win.
See, people sometimes wrongly attribute creativity to weed. But it can only stimulate an already creative mind. It opens certain windows that one's sober mind could not see. The instincts necessary for survival do not necessarily overlap with the instincts necessary for innovative thought. In the majority of circumstances, it is detrimental to act under THC-induced haze. But there is a small minority of occasions where it truly does enhance one's efficacy. However, while weed can grant a person certain new intuitions, it is up to the sober mind to properly realize these thoughts, or, indeed, to realize whether such thoughts were even worthwhile in the first place. For example, as I am typing this, while high, I imagine that this is some bold, mind-blowing new insight into the subject, but later on, I will see this as just another banal observation about weed.

Its when you are viewing your keyboard as an insect that is also talking back to you AND it isnt freaking you out because it is normal, like on naked lunch by william burroughs that the intake needs capping.
I'm quite amazed that I don't have tinnitus yet. I go to loud concerts constantly, jam with bands in dimly lit basements with amps that are far too loud for the size of the room, and blast music through my headphones at quite loud volumes, but I never have any problems with ringing.
Sometimes when you've killed off too many inner ear hair cells you won't have tinnitus... how's your hearing in general?
Hungover as fuck and the wife's at work so just completed mega breakfast cure-all. Coffee, Bloody Mary and scrambled egg concoction with veggies, salami and ham on toast with ajvar and avocado and a bunch of sauces and cheese and awesomeness. Now I'm ready to face the day of sitting about in my comfort wear and slowly becoming drunk again.
Moved back in with my parents like @The Ozzman. After graduating this May there is no real reason for me to stay in my old place in my university town, so here I am drinking rum and coke and about to take a few tequila shots courtesy of my parent's liquor cabinet like the piece of fucking shit that I am.

Fuck, I need to find a real fucking job.