The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I kinda envy people that can walk everywhere they need to go and arent relient on a vehicle, sometimes anyway. That way of life is an impossibility in WV.
Also, cars are just plain cool. The way they look, the way they sound, the way they smell... the way they chariot you on race across the expressway in the sunset with a soundtrack. They're actually kinda fucking sexy TBH. A good one is worth the money.

I've never really understood the sex appeal and cars thing. For me they've always held associations of family and responsibility and just generally being tied down. And of Jeremy Clarkson.

Motorbikes are pretty cool, but I'd still probably never get one. The all time coolest form of transportation is clearly the train.
I guess it's all where you grew up. You clearly come from somewhere folks don't need one so the only people using them I'd imagine are families saving the rest of the world from their screaming children. I grew up and reside in the motor city, where auto shows abound and everyone knows at least five mechanics. Automobiles are a huge part of Detroit culture.

Nothing like a bloody Mary at a rat rod show.
Fuck cars! I don't even have a drivers licence. Except for trains...

Though I probably get one, having kids and no car can be bothersome somethimes.
Trains are an efficient way of moving mass amounts of goods across vast tracts of land. I wouldn't consider them a prime form of human transportation.
What would you say is a prime form of human transportation in large cities?

Depends on how far you need to go. Living within short walking distance of work and necessity shopping areas is the ideal. I live in a decent sized town that nevertheless looks almost entirely like a suburb, poor sections notwithstanding, that allows me to be within no more than 6 miles of everything, so it's quite a short drive, or in some cases a brisk walk. From the sprawl of suburbia to around 800 miles or so (your "mileage may vary"), cars are king. Further than that, airplanes. Hyperloops/bullet trains have very limited applications, and I personally can't get past the "single point of failure" aspect of rail systems. When they carry only commodities, any potential loss isn't nearly so important.
I ment mostly people who live in suburbs and wants to go to the city center, which alot of times aren't built for lots and lots of cars so driving there is a pain, and sometimes even not allowed. Isn't commuter trains and metros pretty important for a functioning city infrastructure? I interpreted your statement generally, not what you personally prefer, if that's what you ment it is another matter. :)

I definitely agree on the single point of failure aspect of trains, which is one of it's biggest flaws. I do not agree that airplanes always wins though, on medium distance travels getting from city center to city center with a train without any need for additional transportation instead of to an airport quite far away with an airplane is a big difference.
Trains are both the fastest and the safest form of land transportation, so I'm going to have to disagree with Dak there. The only drawback I can see is that you don't get the satisfaction that comes with owning and controlling your means of travel... but frankly people's conviction that they're each entitled to their own pollution pumping fuel guzzler is one of the reasons future generations are going to loathe us.
It only takes one person with no special equipment to create an absolutely horrific accident. Just because they haven't been a traditional target doesn't mean they aren't a ridiculously prime target.

I suppose I should say then that up until this point in time they have been a statistically safer form of land transportation than any other. I guess that's susceptible to change given the increase in terrorist activity in recent years, but that hasn't happened yet, and even if it were to I refuse to be influenced by it.

Also a massive train pile up would be a much more epic way to die than some measly car accident.
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So the place I wanted to go camping this week told me they currently do not have any cabins left.

I'm not sure if I'm just being a brat about the whole cabin thing. Never been camping before and the idea of having nothing (meaning no access to electricity or water at least like when I'm not out doing other shit) is a little scary to me.

Anyone been camping before? If so did you just do it tent style? How was it?
So the place I wanted to go camping this week told me they currently do not have any cabins left.

I'm not sure if I'm just being a brat about the whole cabin thing. Never been camping before and the idea of having nothing (meaning no access to electricity or water at least like when I'm not out doing other shit) is a little scary to me.

Anyone been camping before? If so did you just do it tent style? How was it?

I'm an Eagle Scout so I've camped just a little bit. It isn't bad not having running water or electricity for a weekend. If you're able to park near the site then charging your phone shouldn't be a problem. I did tent + cot style camping. I haven't been camping in years but imagine blending alcohol now would be fun or dangerous
Hmm maybe I'll consider. I'm no scout and possibly the worse person outdoors (don't like bugs) but I think that's just because too much time in the city.

It probably won't be that bad.
Fuck cars.

So the place I wanted to go camping this week told me they currently do not have any cabins left.

I'm not sure if I'm just being a brat about the whole cabin thing. Never been camping before and the idea of having nothing (meaning no access to electricity or water at least like when I'm not out doing other shit) is a little scary to me.

Anyone been camping before? If so did you just do it tent style? How was it?

I go camping frequently in a tent, and I'm going again this weekend actually. You really should do it at least once to see if you dig it. Just be a filthy unshowered fire-cooking outdoors lady for at least two days before you knock it, I promise it has its charm. Drink and hike and swim in a lake then drink and laugh around a bonfire with awesome music. Just do it.