The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

So my friends found out that I smoke and are all calling me retarded for it. and i agree but i like the nicotine and i don't know how to get it besides smokes and chew.

If you're relationship to nicotine consists merely of liking it, then quit. I've smoked since I was a kid, and then started dipping because I couldn't quit and developed asthma. Did that for about 5 years and my teeth started to hurt, still couldn't quit, so now I vape. I don't have any complaints about it, except for vape culture and the fact that I have to carry around a silly looking box.
I don't smoke, but I would never call any of my friends out for it. I don't give a shit about what they do and sometimes I do enjoy the second hand smoke that I can get from hanging out with them.

But stop smoking. Sure. it's unhealthy, but holy shit it's fucking stupid expensive. I know because I drink a lot and I can get drunk for less than a pack of cig a day, easy. Especially if I am in Chicago where a pack is $12 at least.
I just say fuck it. We're all gonna die anyways.

Talking to this friend of mine, reconnecting. Helping her brainstorm names for her upcoming art instructor business. It's gonna be rad.
Having encountered people with various stages of dementia, that certainly isn't a nice way to go, especially not for the families.
ALS would be worse I think. In terms of cancer, Pancreatic is the worst.

Anyone here an engineer, specifically working with AutoCAD? I'm thinking about a career change and I see a lot of positions there open on Craigslist. I also think as someone who half assedly worked towards a graphics design degree, someone who likes the shop environment, and someone who loves excel and Photoshop, I'd dig it. So like any thoughts? Was schooling expensive and lengthy? What are some options utilizing that program?
Yeah, I would quit, I just like the nicotine a lot, when ever I get stressed out. I used to get really irritated at my nephews and nieces and yell at them and feel like shit afterwards. I love my family and the people around me and I just got tired of having these random outbursts, that's where the cigs have really helped me. I know its not healthy but i don't know a healthy way to get my nicotine fix
Yeah, I would quit, I just like the nicotine a lot, when ever I get stressed out. I used to get really irritated at my nephews and nieces and yell at them and feel like shit afterwards. I love my family and the people around me and I just got tired of having these random outbursts, that's where the cigs have really helped me. I know its not healthy but i don't know a healthy way to get my nicotine fix

It's the tar which is the main problem with smoking. Patches and gum still provide nicotine, and aren't particularly harmful compared to smoking/chewing.