The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I always thought people who were left handed were a bit more unique generally speaking and interesting people. I'm sure there are studies but my sister is left handed and she's one of the most thorough people I know. I have a few friends who are too and idk if it's in my head but I enjoy them a lot.

Also I can write with both hands too because I tried copying my older sister and write with my left hand. My mother would fight with me and put the pencil in my right hand though. She couldn't convince my sister, however lol.
@EternalMetal you can't really tell kids to take their meds nowadays. Speaking to the parents about it is usually a no too because different cultures and religions sometimes don't believe in ADHD which is so dumb. But you're right I didn't technically do anything wrong, but it's really a thin rope to walk. I just explained to the parents that I understood where they were coming from because I grew up with the same values (sorta but you gotta fib a little) but he's not doing well n it's worth it to try.

In general I dont agree with medicating kids just to calm them down. There is an overabundance of kids who are unnecessarily medicated just because they can be a little hyper at times, but that shouldnt take the attention away from the kids who really do seem to need medication. Its really a shame that some random religion or cultural value can get in the way of the development of a kid who really has no informed opinion on the matter.

Also sometimes those behavior problem kids tend to be really smart. They also tend to be controversial in the class because some kids love them while others do not. They have a charm about them too which is annoying because you want to be a complete bitch to them for fucking up your lesson but they are the ones who'd help you around the classroom or say something really endearing.

Also, I teach special education so it's ADHD kids learning disability kids, other health impairment kids etc but it's the same curriculum as the general education kids just a little slowed down and more explanation and graphic organizers. So my kids are usually more intense than a general ed class. I subbed a general Ed class earlier this week and it was a fucking walk in the park. They can focus and write and think on grade level. I tested my kids reading comprehension, spelling and word recognitions level and most are in between 2nd-4th grade level in the 7th grade. So the issue isn't really that the material is too easy it's actually the opposite. They are really struggling. Unfournately I have to stick to the school's curriculum if I want to keep my job lol I try to make it a lot easier though.

Your job sounds really tough. I would never have the patience for special ed. Are any of your students at or above the grade level, or are they all below the standard?

I always thought people who were left handed were a bit more unique generally speaking and interesting people. I'm sure there are studies but my sister is left handed and she's one of the most thorough people I know. I have a few friends who are too and idk if it's in my head but I enjoy them a lot.

Also I can write with both hands too because I tried copying my older sister and write with my left hand. My mother would fight with me and put the pencil in my right hand though. She couldn't convince my sister, however lol.

Heh, my brother is left handed as well. He has incredible artistic talent, though personality-wise he is very methodical and logic minded to the point of being a perfectionist. 'Thorough' definitely fits him as well, lol. At 5 years old he could already draw at a level that I didnt achieve until high school. Otherwise he isnt very unique, though I dont mean that to be insulting (just true).

As for the left handed writing, he always mentions that he regrets not learning to write with his right hand. Where right handed writers are able to pull the pen away from the script, his hand must push across the surface of the script and paper. Pens are tricky because of the smearing this causes, and pushing your hand across the paper results in more jerky movements. As a result he kind of has a chicken scratch style of writing, though his architecture school training has gradually resulted in him just writing in all caps. Is your sister's writing neat, or does she struggle in similar ways?
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Half of left handed people have the neural mapping of their brains inverted and the other half have it completely different.
It must be really hard to maintain this attitude when you have that one brat who is the opposite and acts out because he doesnt understand the material. Or doesnt want to. Im not trying to say you're wrong, but there are exceptions to that rule imo.

Punish with extra work eh? My teachers growing up used to do that to me all the time, but it kind of just felt like it was out of spite. I think I only had one teacher who gave me extra work to legitimately see how I would respond.

Yeah I wasn't saying that everyone who is disruptive does it because they find the work too easy, I was just talking about that particular case. It's an easy one to address I feel. The work doesn't even have to be extra, if you've identified early that they're going to find the main worksheet too easy then you can move them on to the extension stuff straight away. You can also differentiate you work sheet/activity and have them start at the more difficult end. In maths it's quite simple to do because pretty much the entire topic builds upon itself. I also think having them create their own questions or explaining their answers to someone else shows deeper understanding and are effective extension activities.
I caught some kind of deadly rhinovirus and just woke up from sleeping all day. But on the plus side, there's a Panera near me, and they fucking deliver now. Isn't that shit crazy? It's awesome. Soup delivered to your doorstep freaky fast. I'm getting like every flavor because I'm hungry and my throat hurts. Then I'm gonna watch Harry Potter or something and act like a 10 year old because I'm prone to self pitying retrogression when I get sick.
Fun fact: Left handedness is also correlated with schizophrenia.

Went out with my family and some friends for birthday celebration drinks. It was fun until my sister thought it was a good idea to keep buying me tequila shots when I was drinking whiskey all day. Oof.

I don't feel well today. I barely remember last night except people commenting on the most absurd pants I have and being too drunk to respond coherently.
I did a few tequila shots last night as well. Shit was fun. Woke up to my mother making me pancakes and bacon. I proceeded to devour them and then crash back in bed for another 3 hour.