The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

@Talos of Atmora Yep. Thank god for summers off. Behavior is pretty bad here... I thought it was going to be better but the emotionally disturbed kids are a force to be reckoned with.

@Phylactery :lol: no idea what that student was thinking. but shit at least your kids could do fractions! mine cant do fractions or decimals... they barely know their times table. I asked one of my students what 5*2 was and she said 8...
I feel your pain Funerary_Doom!

I'm at a school at the minute where behaviour is rarely an issue, although there is obviously low level disruption that needs to be addressed. But sometimes they come out with the most ludicrous things that you don't even know how they've come to that conclusion! I wasn't in this class, but I heard about one where a student was ordering fractions and they said that 5/8 was smaller than 1/8 because it's furthest away from zero in the negative direction. Like what? I don't even.

if it was -5/8 and -1/8 they'd be right, they just were confused about the new (to them) concept of negative numbers maybe. That's not so bad, at least they were trying to apply concepts they've learned. I've seen worse.

Yes but they weren't negative fractions which means they've picked up some misconception somewhere that all fractions are negative.

A common issue when ordering decimals is they say that the one with the most digits is bigger. So for example, 0.258 is smaller than 0.1123 or something.
First week of my two week notice complete. Just lol. I have the patience of a saint for dealing with all this attitude I'm getting by wearing a bigger smile.
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if it was -5/8 and -1/8 they'd be right, they just were confused about the new (to them) concept of negative numbers maybe. That's not so bad, at least they were trying to apply concepts they've learned. I've seen worse.

No. Don't make excuses for it. They clearly have smooth brains, and smoothbrains gonna smoothbrain.
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It's hoeing season. I'm drunk as fuck and trying to get bitties to come down to my place. not going well. should have started earlier.
@Phylactery :lol: no idea what that student was thinking. but shit at least your kids could do fractions! mine cant do fractions or decimals... they barely know their times table. I asked one of my students what 5*2 was and she said 8...[/QUOTE]

Tell her if she does not go home and learn the multiplication chart, she's going to make and serve quarter pounders with fries everyday until she's dead, in the Ghetto.

Currently having one of the most intense and aggravating debates over facebook messenger with my siblings about voting.

I wish to share, but its probably oversharing. For those who dont think black people can be conservative and yet somehow still pro-black... very interesting mix.

Oh yeah, we are on different floors of the house too. 21st Century!
The only way I see that one could be conservative in this cycle is to bow out and then try to defeat whoever wins 4 years from now with a candidate that is even a little bit conservative.
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The only way I see one could be conservative in this cycle is to bow out and then try to defeat whoever wins 4 years from now with a candidate that is even a little bit conservative.

Yeah, I have two who aren't voting because as my brother put it "Clinton is good for feminists, illegal immigrants, homosexuals etc... but is not doing anything to a thinking, intelligent, heterosexual black man." Hot mess of a fucking election.

What I don't get is what makes black people think sitting out on an election will have any positive effects on getting better options next time around. If anything, low voter turnout would probably embolden the major parties to believe they can get away with nominating less desirable candidates. I'm not even going to go in on how many black people are STILL denied the right to vote in many areas through underhanded voter suppression laws, which was enabled by a too conservative supreme court who overturned key aspects of the voting rights act. NC anyone? But... whatever.

I'm going to have a drink.