The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

My aunt brought home a baby who is running around touching and throwing everything across the room with a huge smile across his face.

Luckily a babies default setting is to be cute, otherwise they would get thrown away. Evolution, natural selection, survival of the cutest.

Also, after playing and running after this little human for a good hour I'm eating Indian food and having some pumpkin beer.
Day 2 of my new gig. Enjoying my hour long lunch at home because it's close, with plenty of time to both eat and do my dishes.

This is a great feeling. No more back seat full of Tupperware containers I forget to take inside, or money wasted eating out.
I got home from work. One of my clients threatened me with complaining to my bosses so I sent him a nice polite fuck you email and put my bosses in the copy field. This faggot better shut up. Such an annoying piece of garbage shit.
I got home from work. One of my clients threatened me with complaining to my bosses so I sent him a nice polite fuck you email and put my bosses in the copy field. This faggot better shut up. Such an annoying piece of garbage shit.

I'll take 'Shit that Onder made up' for 500, Alex