The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Nothin, going to get kicked out of my place, I can't fucking wait. There's nothing else i want. I get. to move
Drinking wine, contemplating life. Maybe I ask too many questions in class. I don't want to annoy my fellow students. But damn if statisticians don't assume so many things to be true. Lies, damn lies, etc.
Is this the part where you drop off-grid due to lack of internet, and embark on the adventures of homelessness? Been nice knowing ya.

I'm going to walk around panhandling for natural ice choked on my own puke and blood, thinkin about chicks with dicks, for fun. It's what I do. It's god plan for me and I have to obey the master.
Not much, going to give jesus my dirty socks, they smell really bad. I'm sick off putting them on anyways, so am going to give them to jesus christ.
Not much, they take nothin, but they still won't get the fuck out of my face, get the fuck out of my face, what the fuck you do you want. I guess I got everything you ever wanted.
Contemplating what these series of events actually means and how it's going to affect my future:

-I was the highest rated supervisor in the entire company of Tesla (no bullshit)
-All the managers and associate managers were moved to different shops in my department, which means my awesome bosses became one boss I didn't know well and another boss who is lazy as shit and thinks literally everything is a joke
-An opening for an associate manager spot opened in my shop, I asked my new manager if I should apply, he said he'd get back to me
-No word for weeks on that until I found out he hired someone in some sort of backdoor deal with director and w/o our senior manager's approval
-New boss starts, great guy and fun to work with, gets shit done so not upset with his hiring but definitely feel slighted because not only did my manager fuck me from even interviewing for the job but he fucked the entire company of potential applicants by not even posting it internally
-In response to that, and my general vibes when dealing with my manager, I decided it's time to gtfo cuz we'll end up clashing big time in the future and I'm in this one for the long haul. I'll outlast him, no doubt about it
-I apply to some AM spots and get interviews slotted. Nailed the interviews but found out my manager is trying to sabotage me by creating false rumors that (thankfully) the other managers who interviewed me approached me about it to find out the truth
-Found out yesterday they hired a new supervisor who I met, rumor has it he's my replacement and I'm getting promoted, but nothing official yet

All in all, I think things will be good but there's still a lot of uncertainty. I just want to get out of where I am now because I don't like being in a vulnerable position. No matter where I end up, which I honestly don't care, I'll kick some ass and continue my tear of awesomeness.
I hope you get the promotion! Sounds exciting. The sabotaging shit is real in those private companies. My brother works at CU. Been there for a few years now and basically runs his département I.e takes all the emergency calls and is out of his bed at 2 am if there's an emergency at CU. However, wants another MA in engineering. His boss got upset and scared he'd leave so refused to fucking sign his paperwork for tax reduction to go to CU and he took a $600 dip from his pay as a result (that's how much tax they were taking out of his pay for going to school there). My brother is quiet and meek despite his size but the higher ups were about to move him to another department and promote him and investigate her for being a fucking bitch (he could also say its racism too n get her really in trouble) so she ended up signing the papers.

They really try to block you in private companies for some reason.

Anyways, yesterday I stupidly tried to clean it the guest room while drunk and woke up... in the guest room which is still a mess.
The sabotaging shit is real in those private companies.

It's really ridiculous, isn't it? I have a buddy applying for different positions at our current employer and there's something negative in his file that an old supervisor put there and she since left the company. It's become a roadblock for him and nothing that he could help because he had a physical ailment that put him homebound for 4-6 months and he couldn't work. He's been talking to an attorney about it and may sue the employer if this doesn't work out.

I got a reputation of being 'hard to work with' over the years but anyone you talk to who I've worked with frequently says the complete opposite. If you're a straight shooter, no one likes you apparently. Being part of a private organization and trying to work your way up is just like political maneuvering and it is fucking ridiculous.

"Successful" incompetent and lazy management depends on keeping quality minions.

Peter Principle too
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