The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Been working 40 hour weeks doing stupid shit at walmart. lame. at least i only have 1 "real" class atm, and it's pretty easy (English 1). hopefully in a few months i can find something better.
Had a stressful day yesterday. BU police got a call saying that someone had barricaded themselves in a room in the library and taken hostages. My 9:00 a.m. class looks out across Commonwealth Ave at the library and GSU building, which had been surrounded by police. Needless to say, my students and I were on edge for the whole hour. They eventually said it was a hoax.

Got to blow off some steam this morning, ran a 5K with my wife. Now beer and football. Then sleep. :zzz:
Yesterday I assmebled a chest of drawers from IKEA. It's was called Tarva. Today I assembled a sofa. My girlfriend is sleeping on it now. I'm listening to Incantation.

What else, fuck what. Fuck all. Drinking tea. Onward To Golgotha.
I've been shopping for a new bass on eBay and there's a seller on there who is clearly a scammer or hijacked account, he's got about a hundred guitars for sale, all very expensive with free shipping. The location on his account says Australia but the item location is Japan. His selling history is a bunch of $1 guitar picks and more recently two Chanel handbags. No guitars at all. I reported one of his basses as being a fraudulent listing and it's been like a week and a half now and eBay have done nothing. Grinds my gears.
Not much, round up the human's and send them to the slaughter and turn them into prime rib, and get eaten by a pig, and be a rotting corpse.
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