The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm listening to some old recordings of mine. This one is called "Enlightened by Darkness". I had it up on YouTube, terrible song, with a good idea behind it though. It has potential, but I can't seem to figure out how the fuck I played it.
Links bro. I want to hear your shitty bedroom black metal.

I'm pretty ashamed of it, it was recorded just before my voice broke, so it's pretty laughable. The riff is pretty good, I have to admit.

The first red flag is the retarded band name- Satanic Fog. The second is probably my borderline autistic apologies as to how it sounds. Well, I did get a few likes, but whatever. I'm going to take it down soon.
You'll probably give it an 8/10 like a faggot

Bedroom black metal is an entity which generally deserves ratings below 50 percent. Most one man projects are facades for the mentally weak to express some form of "Satanic evil authority" to their black metal "friends" in which they root their identity. I'm not blasting all bands like that, in fact, Burzum is my favorite black metal band, but Varg Vikernes is intelligent, sane, and he's able to speak without a facade. I'm mainly firing at the DSBM bands that aren't ColdWorld or Austere, and a few others that I can't remember.
That's debatable.

I watch his videos on YouTube; he comes off as a very pleasant person. I don't feel like getting into a political debate, but if you approach his philosophy with an open mind, it should in theory make perfect sense to you. I'm not saying that I agree with everything he says, but for the most part, his beliefs are accurate.

Generally, people don't like "conspiracy theorists" who question the status quo ideals. I guess man has a tendency towards progress, and when he has been lied to for all these years, he accepts the lies as truth, and he sees any questions of these ideals as technological regression, despite the fact that they weren't true to begin with.
If you need to debate someones sanity, it's at least not as obvious as someone like Charles Manson.

Charles Manson comes off as a very nice guy, and he definitely has a sense of humor, but he's insane as fuck. I saw an interview where he abruptly got up from his chair and stared dancing around in an unusual manner. He was sane enough to hold a coherent philosophy and abide by it, thus explaining his killings.

John Wayne Gacy seems like the "weird neighbor" type person. He seems like he'd be hiding bodies in his backyard for years, arousing suspicion in his neighbors without being overt enough to cause a problem.
Making overtime money at this boring as fuck professional development. I need time for myself but I also need to save for my trip to Europe this

Normally my free time is more important than money but it feels good to save... and then blow it on all the wrong things :lol:
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My dude is leaving town for a week tomorrow morning. Looking forward to getting some serious work done on the vidder gams and having a nerd night or two.... not looking forward to bedtime. You forget how to sleep alone in a ltr. Wish we had a dog.