The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I've tried a couple times myself, but couldn't find a supplement that gives me enough iron that meat gives. Unfortunately I'm macrosyetic anemic and it's worse during cycles. I've been to the emergency room a few times because my diet sucked and i wasn't eating right. It's a good thing but learning how to eat well is a struggle for me. I'm sure you'll be fine though. I definitely think people in general consume too much meat in general.
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I've tried a couple times myself, but couldn't find a supplement that gives me enough iron that meat gives. Unfortunately I'm macrosyetic anemic and it's worse during cycles. I've been to the emergency room a few times because my diet sucked and i wasn't eating right. It's a good thing but learning how to eat well is a struggle for me. I'm sure you'll be fine though. I definitely think people in general consume too much meat in general.

From an exclusively health based standpoint, meat is far from unhealthy. There is much more fat in modified oils like trans fat. Animal fats are easier for your body to metabolize. Also, animal fats can be very good for you, especially in colder environments.

From an ethical standpoint, I can see the problem with supporting the meat industry. There's nothing wrong with eating meat at all. The problem lies with giving money to the meat industry, as this often means supporting the abuse of animals. Hunting is much more ethical.
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Yeah, i love animals and have always looked at myself as a hypocrite in that sense. And that feeling has been getting worse and worse the older i get.
I think im finally gonna try to go vegetarian. It's something that i've been wanting to do for a long time but just couldn't/cant.
Trying not to push you one way or the other but as someone who was a vegetarian for 10 years putting meat back into my diet was one of the best decisions I've made in my life. Plus a lot of the animals you love also eat meat!
Trying not to push you one way or the other but as someone who was a vegetarian for 10 years putting meat back into my diet was one of the best decisions I've made in my life. Plus a lot of the animals you love also eat meat!

It's kind of like the left wingers who are against "hate" and violence, yet their special little favorite group of people are the top offenders when it comes to violent crime. It's fucking stupid. Humans, as animals, are part of nature, and have every right to eat meat like other omnivores and carnivores.

Morons fetishize weakness, thinking that the strong (humans) must intentionally place themselves in an inferior postion in relation to the weak (animals). By the way, when your average pink haired SJW vegan gets mauled by a fucking wolf, we'll see who is superior.
It's kind of like the left wingers who are against "hate" and violence, yet their special little favorite group of people are the top offenders when it comes to violent crime. It's fucking stupid. Humans, as animals, are part of nature, and have every right to eat meat like other omnivores and carnivores.

Morons fetishize weakness, thinking that the strong (humans) must intentionally place themselves in an inferior postion in relation to the weak (animals). By the way, when your average pink haired SJW vegan gets mauled by a fucking wolf, we'll see who is superior.
calm the fuck down. This has absolutely nothing to do with left wingers, hate or violence. It's just me not wanting to eat meat anymore. And who the hell said that humans shouldn't eat meat? Idont even talk shit to people who eat dogs, whales etc. Meat is meat, and its just ridiculous that some societies pick and choose which animal is okay to eat and which isn't. Cows and pigs arent that much different from horses and dogs. Pigs are some of the smartest animals in the world and cows are fuckin awesome ... i've played football/soccer with one.

Plus a lot of the animals you love also eat meat!

yeah that's one of the things i've been telling myself lol. I dont know, i just wanna see if i can get all of my proteins/nutrients without devouring animals, especially herbivores. I highly doubt it, but why not give it a shot. What made you go back?
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From an exclusively health based standpoint, meat is far from unhealthy. There is much more fat in modified oils like trans fat. Animal fats are easier for your body to metabolize. Also, animal fats can be very good for you, especially in colder environments.

From an ethical standpoint, I can see the problem with supporting the meat industry. There's nothing wrong with eating meat at all. The problem lies with giving money to the meat industry, as this often means supporting the abuse of animals. Hunting is much more ethical.

This isn't true. There was a recent macrostudy published that basically says that you should get as little protein from
Animal sources as your diet can allow. I'll post the link below this but here are just a few quotes from the study.

" In addition, all sources of animal protein (eggs, fish, poultry, red meat, and processed red meat) were noted to increase all-cause mortality relative to vegetable protein, with processed red meat being associated with more CV deaths and egg consumption being associated with more cancer deaths (13)."

"Healthy dietary patterns emphasize high intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts in moderation, and may include limited quantities of lean meat, fish, low-fat and nonfat dairy products, and liquid vegetable oils (Table 2). These dietary patterns are also low in saturated, trans, and solid fats; sodium; added sugars; and refined grains. In addition, energy intake and physical activity appropriate for maintaining a normal weight, and achieving nutrient adequacy are also recommended."

And last one: "Pound for pound (dry weight), vegetable protein-rich foods, such as legumes, contain as much or more protein than most animal foods, without the sodium or fat."

Here is the website:

And below is a picture of the breakdown. Honestly I'm kind of a health nut. And I absolutely love science. This stuff fascinates me a lot.
