The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Eating pistachios. I'm pissed at myself for doing something I vowed never to do again. Pistachios are the perfect food to eat when you are angry, breaking the shells is fun in that situation.

Also, my stomach hurts. I'm fairly sure I have some form of digestive issue. Tough meats and greases make my stomach hurt.
I could see not wanting to eat mammals or something but fish? Fuck fish. And alligators, they'd eat you if they had the chance. Shrimp? Basically bugs anyway right. Chickens? Screw em, we eat their unborn babies as a condiment anyway. Cows are p cool tho

I feel bad about eating shrimp. Rabbit is the worst for me, I ate rabbit pasta at a fancy restaurant one time, and I couldn't stop thinking about "Little Nut Brown Hare", a childrens' book my mom read to me when I was a baby. Anyways, it was a fucking great meal.
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I have virtually zero remorse for slaughtering and eating meat. I don't give a fuck how adorable the little fucker is. In the words of Andrew Zimmern "If it looks good, eat it!"

That show is great...the problem with those food channels is that they always make me hungry.

Curious incident of the dog in the night time? Is that some sort of childrens' book?
Pistachios with shells are my favorite comfort food. I don't care if they're expensive. I get anxiety at night sometimes, and not much helps it besides eating, so pistachios give me something healthy to binge on in bed.
I dont think ive ever felt bad for an animal when eating it, but killing it is another story. The first deer I shot and killed for meat was my last. It may sound kind of hypocritical, but I really have no qualms with eating meat. I would just rather not actively participate in taking the animal's life if I have other choices available. Most hunters I know thirst for the kill, but for me it was just kind of a letdown watching the animal I shot cling to every last bit of life. Fishing doesnt bother me though.
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Got a post-card tour of the National Mall and the Marine Corps Museum early this week. Need to go again with the fam when I have more time to actually delve into all the stuff there is to see. Pretty awesome stuff.
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