The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Talos's Journal: Friday, March 10, 2017

I feel a snitchy sensation upon the wind. The armies of the badlands of TechBarbaria are rising from the south and the clanging of forges resonates from the kingdom of Cassettia in the west. War is brewing between them once again.

What shall become of me...and the rest of this land when the cyberaxes of the techbarbarians rend the forests and the Cassettian tape deck artillery scorch the earth once again? For now, I've foritified here in the Atmoran north, fearing the worst. But would the fortifications hold, I wonder, should this maelstrom of wrath grow? How much longer before my forces and those of the other lords and ladies of Ultima Metallia are drawn into the fray? Could this conflict be averted? We can only hope...

This is the kind of stuff I write when I'm bored. :tickled:
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Gurning pretty hard.

Did this the other day.


p.s. lookin 4 singer

p.s. have no gender toilet policy piss urself fag
I've been procrastinating so badly with books I'm reading. Hopefully after I take the kid kookaburra spotting (one of his favourite activities when we go out to the bush) I can quickly clean the house and get to some reading.

I still haven't finished Horus Rising yet (I've already read it in the past) and things are starting to pile up with the easy reading stuff. :bah: