The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I just woke up from a 6 hour nap and it felt so good. My students made me work for my goddamn paycheck this week. One kid in particular just bugs the fuck out sometimes but then feels bad and writes me notes calling me mom. Yesterday I walked away from him because I thought if i didn't I would've lost my job with either saying something bad or popping him right in the mouth because he was cursing in my classroom. He then told me today he cried all the way until he got home because I walked away from him :lol: My coteachers think the kid super duper likes me n that's why he gives me a hard time. But on... the 6th he flipped chairs in another teachers room almost hitting another kid. Mind you he's fucking 6'4 and 15 years old while the other kids are like.. 5 feet and 12 years old. I heard the commotion so went inside to help the other teacher. These emotionally disturbed kids are too fucking much. They shouldn't be in the same classroom as learning disabled kids. IMG_8175.JPG
Waiting for my thin White male privilege to arrive...where is it? It should be here by now. The SJWs probably stole my lifetime supply of pizza that I am hereby entitled to because of my physique, race, and gender.

As always, stay triggered my fine feminine friends.
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Considering he calls you "mom" he might also be searching for a maternal figure, whilst simultaneously lashing out because he negatively associates with maternal figures.

Idk what's up with his home life but I definitely think this is true too. If the father isn't around, and when boys are exclusively raised by their moms they start giving a lot of trouble especially to female authority. He's a good kid when no one troubles him but that's rarely the case since he hangs out in a bad park sometimes and because of his height people don't think he's a middle school kid so who knows wht he sees. Also hes not wrapped up too tight either so... yeah.

3 more months and I'll be free from this set of crazies! And then I'll get another.
Lol how were y'all in the 7th grade? Maybe there's something about boy development I'm not getting.

I had a crush on my 5th grade teacher/6th grade math teacher, who was this curvy white girl in her early 20s with one of those sweetheart personalities (except not airheaded). I acted sassy towards her during class, but would always be nice and willing to help out around the classroom and stuff. I even think I accidentally called her mommy one time, which was rather embarrassing. I think it was more complicated than just wanting to bang her, which actually wasnt a major part of the attraction. I saw her in the grocery store a few years ago (she actually recognized me, lol), and she put on quite a bit of weight and had her two kids with her. Definitely put a damper on that childhood nostalgia, haha.
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so for months/years now ive been receiving texts from various numbers, and theyre clearly having a convo with someone but i'm only seeing one side of it. recently, in one of these cases ive started seeing both sides of the convo (both seem to be different numbers from mine), so i'm basically snooping on a long text conversation. these two are politicians or involved with politicians, one of them recently had a bereavement and mentioned that a very well known politician here gave them condolences. aside from that they havent said anything remotely juicy though, it's such boring shit. one of these days i should randomly say something and freak them the fuck out.
It looks like I'm staying up all night. Tomorrow is Sunday, and I'm n it looking forward that either. I have a project due Tuesday. Then, I have to present the bullshit to little kids. Fuck. The kids will fucking joke on me the whole time. I'm never taking an honors class again. I really have better things to be doing on "lower school science night" than to tell a bunch of kids how the respiratory system works, only to have them disagree with me.

Right now, I am eating pistachios. It's 5:00 AM, I want to sleep, but my couch has been moved and I don't want to sleep there. Fucking daylight savings time...
Lol how were y'all in the 7th grade? Maybe there's something about boy development I'm not getting.

My grades in 7th grade were decent, but I came close to failing math. Generally, I was nice and innocent. I had just gotten into metal last Summer, and I spent the entire year buying Black Sabbath songs on iTunes without any other cares in world. 7th graders are the best middle schoolers because their egos aren't inflated like they were in 6th grade, and they aren't yet interested in rebellion. That comes in 8th grade...actually, 6th graders are more rebellious than 7th graders for some reason. Granted, this kid is 15 and probably way overdeveloped, even for his age.

I'd talk with a supervisor or something, and try to arrange a conference with his parents.
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I was always well-behaved in school, but from 8th to 10th grade I was one of the disgruntled loners that teachers worried could be the next school shooter.
i don't think i liked girls in 7th grade either, the closest i had to sexual feelings at that point was playing pokemon.

Towards the end of seventh grade, I started developing a concrete interest in girls. That's when I began learning the art. It took me until July to get it right. My mom got me this book on puberty and sexual education a year back, an incredibly embarrassing and condescending move on her part, but that Summer, I started reading it like it was porn, hiding it from my parents. It wasn't descriptive enough. The "instructions" were very broad.