The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I remember having crushes as early as 1st grade. In 3rd grade I saw some commercial on Nickelodeon or something where these girls are walking by a swimming pool wrapped in towels and two on the sides push the one in the center into the pool, and apparently she had no top on, and that was the first time I remember my penis getting hard (though I didn't understand exactly why at the time). In 4th grade I was neighbors/friends with the one weird kid that was the first to discover porn, which made me the second kid to discover porn and no better a moral figure as I told all the others about where to find boobies on the internet. That's about when I also first discovered hentai and nude skins for Unreal Tournament models. In 5th grade I made my first and only move on a girl, was sitting in the auditorium during some event, noticed a girl I liked from a couple years back sitting right behind me, tried laying the back of my head in her lap and she slapped me and threatened to tell a teacher and I told her I was sorry and it was just an accident and I fell to sleep after being awake for 48 hours straight or something. In 6th grade I was expelled from school and any hope of sexual contact with something other than my body or personal possessions was obliterated.

Oh and I really wanted to fuck a friend's mom starting in 5th grade. She looked a lot like Caprice Bourret only bigger faker tits, fake tan, fake accent even, and she often would walk around the house in a bathrobe. I remember actually crying myself to sleep thinking about it.
Tried to look tough by paraphrasing JC Denton's "Yeah maybe I'll cap his ass too" to this kid I got in a fight with. If I told them I was making a reference to a computer game I might have only gotten the two weeks' suspension I was originally supposed to get for the fight, but I was afraid my parents would punish me computer-wise more harshly if I admitted to that so I just let it stand.
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Tried to look tough by paraphrasing JC Denton's "Yeah maybe I'll cap his ass too" to this kid I got in a fight with. amazing. :tickled:

EDIT: I remember referencing one of his lines when this guy was trying to intimidate me in 8th grade and I told him that he had 10 seconds to beat it before I added him to the list of NSF casualties. When he grabbed me by the arm, I socked him right in the jaw. Thankfully, everyone saw it so the principal realized it was self-defense.
Last edited: amazing. :tickled:

EDIT: I remember referencing one of his lines when this guy was trying to intimidate me in 8th grade and I told him that he had 10 seconds to beat it before I added him to the list of NSF casualties. When he grabbed me by the arm, I socked him right in the jaw. Thankfully, everyone saw it so the principal realized it was self-defense.

Are you not an American?
For some reason America has the greatest self-defense laws in the world for adults but virtually no protection self-defense for students.
I was innocent as fuck in 7th grade and obsessed with anime. I did punch this other kid in the face and he put me in a choke hold because he kept bothering me and i snapped. It was because of my brother and his friends who are like 8 or 9 years older than me. I told them about the kid bothering me and they told me to fight him and were teaching me how to punch. So naturally I went to school and tried it :lol: But I was a really good kid who got good grades and was liked at school. Now seventh grade is lit as fuck. These kids are already smoking weed and sending nudes to each other.
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Everything comes full circle lol. For a long time kids were adults by age 16, then we invented the idea of teenagers, now technology has allowed them to get what they want without approval and provide information on an exceptionally broad number of subjects to contemplate. Not to mention the strong push for individualism and a noted decrease in conformism, leading to the death of established 'teen culture'. They are capable of thinking and acting like adults instead of just having fun. More kids are becoming impressive again, thank god. Humankind needs this.

I was just fuming the other day over those stupid back in my day dirt eaters looking down on technology. It is a wonderful thing that a 4 year old can work an ipad instead of stumbling half naked around the yard looking for a swing. It raises the bar for all of us.
There is some value in not growing up too fast, tbh. I think there are better things to learn to work first than an iPod like how to carry on a conversation etc. Kids need to be well rounded. I see it in my generation too. They have all this technology but still don't know how to do basic day-to-day things. It effects your social life and ability to find a life long partner if you can't act like a normal human being once in awhile. Everyone's selfish, likes their alone time, etc but you need to be able to balance it out. Learn a skill like playing an instrument or something. I wouldn't give a 7th grader an iPod and if I do there would be some restrictions. They don't fully understand that what they put on the internet stays there and they can really ruin their life if they ain't have some common sense, which many of them don't because common sense comes with experience.
i got my trusty nokia 32-10 (which are being reissued by the way) in like 9th/10th grade, which was later than nearly everyone else. i mostly just liked playing snake on it.