The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Shit I said iPod but I meant iPad. I didn't get a phone until like my senior year in high school. I went on the internet and stuff from young but I knew there were limits to what should be done or shared there. The problem isn't the tech it's like not being taught how to use the tech correctly. If kids are left to their own devices it's going to be a shit show.

But yeah back in the day I had some pretty good focus. I could describe every single person sitting in a train cart with me. Now I don't pay nearly enough attention. It's still more than what most people do but shit I miss those days where boredom hit me and would observe my surroundings and thought of something pretty smart. Now I'm always on my phone so those little ingenious moments are less frequent.
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Everything comes full circle lol. For a long time kids were adults by age 16, then we invented the idea of teenagers, now technology has allowed them to get what they want without approval and provide information on an exceptionally broad number of subjects to contemplate. Not to mention the strong push for individualism and a noted decrease in conformism, leading to the death of established 'teen culture'. They are capable of thinking and acting like adults instead of just having fun. More kids are becoming impressive again, thank god. Humankind needs this.

I was just fuming the other day over those stupid back in my day dirt eaters looking down on technology. It is a wonderful thing that a 4 year old can work an ipad instead of stumbling half naked around the yard looking for a swing. It raises the bar for all of us.

Eh, I think it has much more to do with peacetime society than any of the things you said. In times of war or extreme situations, people don't have the privilege to be young.
I don't think it's simply the "being left to own devices" that's a problem for kids, I think it's the ease of use combined with the plethora of accessible content. We didn't have a computer of any sort until I was around 9-10, and it was an old Apple with no instructions I had to figure out how to use. Then we finally got a super barebones W95 pc in my early teens which I also had to learn to use from scratch, learn peripherals, etc. I had to teach myself how to troubleshoot it/keep it running, and eventually how to get around AOL parental controls etc etc etc etc. The internet also didn't have the same level of content at the time, etc.

Now kids just turn on a device and start beaming videos into their brain with 2 taps.
Listening to M8L8TH and tinking about the fat SJW I go to school with. She was eating two bags of potato chips in class today.

M8L8TH has awesome concerts. Badass music, hot girls, MP-40s, crowdsurfing all in one concert. And, keep in mind, this is an NSBM band. They are definitely a band I must see before I die.
Trying to recover so i can drink beer. When i was 16 i had to work fulltime, i don't remember anything because drank and did drugs everyday, even at work, there was no cellphones either, technology. I use a tracphone now, if i have to use my phone it scares me, it means it's bad.
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Not much, need to sell someshit for beer and don't want too, i'll be in a coma for 2 weeks and puke,I have a 2 hundred dollar electric bill, i'll be in a coma and my shit will get turned off, oh well, i have to do it. I have to obey the master.
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Society can suck my balls, you got it comin, it's going to be wrong place at the wrong time for you, hope it's not your day, when you await your doom.
It's beer and permafrost, how much more frozen and tarded can I get, maybe later i'll piss my pants for fun.