The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

trans fat

I know them. Bunch of whiny SJW fuckheads. Their Facebook is pure cancer.

It's strange how women making these absurd statements seem to wholeheartedly believe what they say, while men in death metal bands who write about ripping out womens' cunts are joking. Women just don't understand jovial language. Granted, there are some exceptions, but as a whole, when compared to men, women don't understand jokes.

Whenever I think of SJWs, I always think of a fat women in wearing a futuristic chest plate that only emphasizes their obesity, and carrying a samurai sword across their chest. And of course, not using it because they aren't actual warriors. For them to proclaim themselves as such is fucking insulting to those who died in combat. I guess that's their point...
I'd have no problem at all with a misandrist death metal band with all women members, because it's hyperbolic and funny, but these retards are also spamming SJW articles about cleaning up the metal community and just all this weak victimhood bullshit, which directly flies in the face of the tough woman theme they're pushing forward.
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Booking hotel in Berlin to go cockmilling to Aura Noir with Ali and Abdul.

Also got tickets for Primordial/Fen/Crom Dubh, Cruciamentum/Blood Incantation, Asphyx/fuck knows, Taake/Winterfylleth, Chelsea Wolf/some gay shit, King Dude/Sol Invictus/Of the Wand and the Moon.

And just remembered that Alan Rickman is dead.

: ((((
That stupid movie Deathgasm has a perfect example of what I'd like to see on the fem side of metal.


A hot chick, with even hotter chicks slithering all over her. Because real brutal bitches pull more tail than men.

Not a bad comedy metal nerd movie actually, very pick of destiny-esque.
Yeah, i love animals and have always looked at myself as a hypocrite in that sense. And that feeling has been getting worse and worse the older i get.

I love animals, especially pigs, bacon sandwiches hit the spot. Round up them pigs, oscar mayer needs more bacon.
Ihumane slaughtering,etc. of animals because animals are at a high demand and mass producing is usually the issue. If someone does not eat meat it's usually not because they don't like cheeseburgers.
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I was a vegetarian for 5 years. And if for one minute I thought that doing it again would save any animals then I would in a heartbeat. Unfortunately the demand is so high that it would take a significant amount of people to turn vegetarian to even make a slight difference.
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Look eat all the animals ya want fuck it but there should be as little suffering as possible fucking cunts. shoot the fucker, slit its throat, the end. I hate when I see a bunch of dumb fucks hunting and torturing an animal for hours
I could see not wanting to eat mammals or something but fish? Fuck fish. And alligators, they'd eat you if they had the chance. Shrimp? Basically bugs anyway right. Chickens? Screw em, we eat their unborn babies as a condiment anyway. Cows are p cool tho
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