The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Shit, Cythraul lives in China and I'm on my way to start teaching Chinese students. Maybe I'll see you there and we can double date with our waifu's! Where are you living in China? That country is fucking huge.

I'm in Shenzhen. It's in southern China, right by Hong Kong. Where in China are you planning on going to?
I think if I moved to another country it would be in Europe. The women are easier in Asia, but Asian culture has never appealed much to me.
... lol, what a bunch of tasteless, lazy twats.

edit: did a fan of propane just mention TASTE? :lol:

People who use propane grills get laughed at around here.

False. Maybe for some people who dont know how to start/control a fire. And propane is just as carcinogenic and completely fucks up the taste of the meat.

edit: oh and fuck briquettes, natural lump charcoal all the way.
Charcoal is for subhumans

Taste the meat AND the heat

(Also: I'm not invested in this argument, I'm just being a dick at this point so don't have too big of an aneurysm or anything.)
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I think if I moved to another country it would be in Europe. The women are easier in Asia, but Asian culture has never appealed much to me.

For me, probably Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, or Russia. Austria has the highest quality of life, but that factors in things like weather too, so that's why Northern Europe is lower on the scale despite its economy being better than Austria.

Fuck Asia. Just fuck it. It's way overpopulated, it's plagued with communism, it's polluted, and extremely boring culturally speaking.
The women are easier in Asia, but Asian culture has never appealed much to me.

I don't know where you're getting this from. Chinese women in particular do not have this reputation. Quite the opposite, actually. It's Western women who have a reputation for being easy. Are you lumping in Asian women in general with Thai prostitutes or something.

Fuck Asia. Just fuck it. It's way overpopulated

Meanwhile, people in the West can't even be bothered to breed and will consequently be overrun by more fecund Squatemalans and durka durkas.

it's plagued with communism

Maybe in North Korea. Everywhere else it looks like it's either dead, dying, or just half-assed.

it's polluted

China's pollution problems in particular are partly due to the fact that its economy has grown faster than its regulatory regime can keep up with. And sure, they probably also aren't that eager to clean up yet. Not surprising when their growth is lifting people out of poverty at what is probably an unprecedented rate in human history.

and extremely boring culturally speaking.

Not sure what you mean by this.
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Meanwhile, people in the West can't even be bothered to breed and will consequently be overrun by more fecund Squatemalans and durka durkas.

He's being very western-centric and conflating Asian women monolithically with Asian mail-order brides types who are seen in awkward language barrier relationships with 60 year old white men.
Honestly, I don't find Asian women all that attractive. I don't think I've ever yanked one out to one, but the biggest appeal to Asian cultures, for me at least, are their twisted sex fetishes. I'd gladly take part in a tentacle porno.

Doug Stanhope has a great bit about this that sums things up perfectly.
Honestly, I don't find Asian women all that attractive. I don't think I've ever yanked one out to one, but the biggest appeal to Asian cultures, for me at least, are their twisted sex fetishes. I'd gladly take part in a tentacle porno.

Doug Stanhope has a great bit about this that sums things up perfectly.

In Britain, "Asian" generally refers to people from the Indian subcontinent. I prefer that kind of Asian tbh.