The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Happy belated birthday Krow!

Someone please push me down a flight of stairs. Damn students. Tomorrow I'm testing them and then so happy Monday we're off.
Just got back from my trip. I've been on a train since 6:30 yesterday morning until about 3:30 this morning. I want to die, we have no food in the apartment at the moment, but we got some Denny's to go so hey at least i've got that.

Was great visiting with my family and seeing all the cool shit Michigan has to offer, we're considering moving out there actually after we've had more time to live 'by ourselves.' I think weirdly I miss the trees most.
Not much, not sure why am talking about this, but doc want me to get a pacemaker in a few months, doctors wanted me to get one in my early 20's, so guess am going to be getting a pacemaker soon.
Bout to go see some Czech goregrind.

Also, could do with some laptop recommendations. Looking for something fairly cheap, mostly for use in lectures (so quiet and with half decent battery life). Screen between 13-15 inches. 8gb ram (or maybe 4gb if it's ddr4, am so outa the loop with computer shit these days that I dunno what's better. Woulda figured that it doesn't need to be particularly fast but has to hold a lota shit so 8 seems best) as will probably use AutoCAD on it a bit. Don't really want Windows 8. Not too fussed if SSD or HDD, shouldn't need a particularly large HD though.
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So some girl i know says her father is in the hospital from a mosquito bit(west nile). I dont know how much of the story to believe because initially she said he was originally hospitalized because of some weird stomach flu, then he ended up having a heart attack because of some fluids/medications they kept pumping into him or something. Sounds all weird. Whatever the case is, hopefully the man gets better.