The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I made an experiment today. I got naked from the waist down, with my strechedmarked skinny butt and my ballsack hanging all the way in the air and I kneeled before the toilet, our toilet needed a cleaning and we have a deal with my girlfriend that I do the cleaning as I do most of the shitting, and I cleaned the toilet like this, only in my shirt and black nylon gloves and it makes you think you know, we're all just human, why is Trump building a wall and why is Ai Wei Wei building a cage and stuff.
I didn't do a fucking thing this Friday night and I absolutely hated it. After last week's crazy bender I've decided to spend a few weeks staying sober and I already am fucking hating this decision. What the fuck is there to do while you are sober other than argue with you fucking morons about mundane shit?

This is something a full blown alcoholic would say.

I'm 100 days sober tomorrow. Get on my level. The first 30 days is super hard but it gets easier after that.

You find other things to do to fill the time if you really want to stay sober for a long period and after a while you stop wanting alcohol. Not to say I won't drink tomorrow or next week but whatever
I've cut way back on alcohol consumption. Bought a good bottle of vodka yesterday (fucking Titos is better than the most expensive euro wodka for half the price) and only took a couple hits of it. Have felt kind of strange lately in general. I've only eaten meat about 3 times in the past three days, no high horse mentality in the situation, it's just been unpalatable to me, haven't eaten much of anything actually, coming from a guy that can usually pack it away. I'm probably dying or something.
Titos is better than the most expensive euro wodka for half the price
Most vodka is fucking garbage(especially the ones from out here) and its pretty much a drink for alcoholics and people who just want to warm up a little. But Titos is nowhere near as good as most european mid-shelf to top-shelf vodka, especially the ones form Russia like Standard
Eh, Tito's is kind of garbage and gives me the same kind of slight headache that the cheap shit does. Except not quite on the level of Smirnoff, which seems to just be headache in a bottle. Ive found that the only vodka I really enjoy is Ketel One, but then again im not really much of a vodka drinker. The few higher-priced Russian vodkas ive had were decent, but I cant remember what any of them were. Im more of a rum guy.
All alcohol will give you a headache if you drink enough of it. If I was going to buy an expensive bottle, it'd be Chopin potato vodka.

Is any rum actually worth buying? I noticed even the fanciest top shelf shit here is like $40.
All alcohol will give you a headache if you drink enough of it. If I was going to buy an expensive bottle, it'd be Chopin potato vodka.

Is any rum actually worth buying? I noticed even the fanciest top shelf shit here is like $40.

If you can find Mount Gay Black Barrel, im sure that you will enjoy it. It is a dark rum that is aged in bourbon barrels that gives it a deeper flavor than most rums. Otherwise, it kind of depends. Rum is usually pretty cheap, so finding the good stuff is usually more of a gamble than just paying more for top shelf.

As for the headache, yea sure, but lets just say I take 3 shots of Smirnoff vodka. I immediately get a headache and im barely even buzzed. No other alcohol is this shitty to my body.
Spent most of the weekend at a mate's bucks party. I was pretty apprehensive as it was going to be mostly people I didn't know but it ended up being pretty cool. The best man organised it and we met in the city at the Grand Hyatt hotel where he'd organised for us to have a party in the Diplomat's Suite on the 32nd floor. We hung out there for a while then went for lunch at a BBQ/smoked meat joint and then off to paintball for a few hours. I'd never played before and my team got slaughtered. Goddam welts all over me. Then back to our suite for party. Ten thousand beers smoked. No strippers or anything which I'm pretty glad about. The hens ended up joining us at about 3am because why the hell not.
Sunrise from the hotel was awesome. IMG_0536.JPG

Now I'm completely brain dead and can barely walk because of the paintball but you get that.