The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Not much, got this Black Sabbath live show on blu-ray, it's wicked as fuck, normally I just watch DVDS, but this shit is nuts, all the old shit.
Mark another one off my yearbook. Another guy I went to school with died today. This one split his own wig with a shotgun. Messy way to go .
MW was very good as well, but I thought MW2 had better maps with the stimulus packs. If there was a valid issue it was with some of the killstreak options but it never killed the experience for me. Never liked anything I saw from Black Ops, or Treyarch period.
You must not have been playing with any elites. The nuke was a game breaker if you were playing anyone that was good. We would end games within minutes. There were also a bunch of glitches in that game(jumping into rocks/underground and killing everyone). The original modern Warfare was superior in every way. Oh and Treyarch did EVERYTHING better imo. Design, gameplay, maps, etc. Oh and their games ran far better.