The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I just got back from delivering a bunch of meals to older folks who don't have anyone to spend the day with. I'll be doing this again next year because it was fun and rewarding to spend time with them.

I souped homeless people once.

Being soup king is pretty cool.
So long as I get to dress up like Ilsa, sure.

Currently checking out flights and shit to decide on one of these..

I am as tired as a tired thing that is feeling tired, after working for who knows how many days in a row for 2 months. I am yawning every 30 seconds, and each time I yawn, it sounds like Chewbacca shouting. Next door must think I am watching Star Wars films.

On the subject of this, I always thought that when Chewbacca was shouting at Han in the Milenium falcon from in the background, I always thought that he was yawning, and was wondering how much sleep he got.
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Ate at a Hawaiian poke restaurant today. May have just been the place but man was that gross. I mildly regularly eat sushi too so thats not really the issue. My sister didnt like her's either and she usually the only one I can get to go eat sushi with me anyway.
[x] Morning run

[x] Sprayed the whole outside parameter with insect guard (Summer is fucking insane for spiders here)

[x] Do the remaining week's jobs

[x] Family Christmas shopping bullshit

[x] Vacuum and mop the house

[x] Trim annoying beard

All my Sunday bullshit is done and it's only just lunchtime. 'Bout time to whip out the mango juice and gin and finally play some Pokémon: Moon on the 3DS. I'm way behind, the follow-up games are already out.
I'm feeling a little nauseous. I usually brag about having a steel stomach as I can eat anything and not get sick. Well, today I had vegan sushi and though it was delicious, I'm feeling really sick from it. I also drank 3 drinks, but I normally dont feel sick from 3 drinks so I'm thinking its the vegan sushi. I'm downing a huge bottle of seltzer.
I'm feeling a little nauseous. I usually brag about having a steel stomach as I can eat anything and not get sick. Well, today I had vegan sushi and though it was delicious, I'm feeling really sick from it. I also drank 3 drinks, but I normally dont feel sick from 3 drinks so I'm thinking its the vegan sushi. I'm downing a huge bottle of seltzer.

Girl something's in the air, I threw up rather violently on wednesday and my stomach is still kinda weak.
I'm getting started in the trade. I'm taking workshops offered around here. Having a custom rounding hammer made as we speak.

Interesting. I know a guy who does blacksmithing in commission and he seems to like it, but it seems like a lot of work. Let me know if you want to see some of his work.
Girl something's in the air, I threw up rather violently on wednesday and my stomach is still kinda weak.

From NYC to Prague. For real.

I didn’t throw up. I think I was just drunk and didn’t realize it. Hard liquor is actually kinda difficult for me sometimes. Always think I’m superman with it and then I can’t manage. So right now I’m just having a beer and listening to some tunes. Easy Sunday.
I didn’t throw up. I think I was just drunk and didn’t realize it. Hard liquor is actually kinda difficult for me sometimes. Always think I’m superman with it and then I can’t manage. So right now I’m just having a beer and listening to some tunes. Easy Sunday.
I know the fucking feels. A friend threw a party for me two weeks ago and I was slamming rum and cokes all night until it all caught up to me at once. Ran to the washroom and threw up all over myself. Was the first to leave my own party lmao. Figures, the very day I got my patch jacket done, and it already had battle scars. Suffice it to say the hangover was real.
I know the fucking feels. A friend threw a party for me two weeks ago and I was slamming rum and cokes all night until it all caught up to me at once. Ran to the washroom and threw up all over myself. Was the first to leave my own party lmao. Figures, the very day I got my patch jacket done, and it already had battle scars. Suffice it to say the hangover was real.

Man you guys go ham in Canada. Was it your birthday? Haha that’s awesome they threw you a party. I’m guessing you didn’t have work the next day so that’s good.
At least my mother didn't drink while I was in the womb.
Must've touched a nerve.
Man you guys go ham in Canada. Was it your birthday? Haha that’s awesome they threw you a party. I’m guessing you didn’t have work the next day so that’s good.
It was a party to celebrate me getting my new apartment haha. And naw I had it and the day after off so it was decent. I blacked out after leaving the party though, so in essence I got one and a half days off.