The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

It doesn't have to be a massive terrorist act. The ethnic Germans will simply pass into that good night, and Sharia Law will be implemented democratically. Muh will of the people.
I think it's hilarious that some people really believe that. If history tells us anything, white Europeans are some of the best and most powerful killers of all, and don't react kindly to foreigners fucking things up. Absolute worst case scenario, radical Islamists go too far and the push-back means that all Muslims within Europe are forcibly removed and/or killed. You even have cases like aparthied-era African nations where Zimbabwe was successfully dominated by a tiny minority of powerful whites, who fell only because of pressure from more powerful whites. Haiti is basically the single case in history where non-whites were able to successfully overthrow whites in power.

The reason you don't see pushback in Germany is because there isn't that much to push against outside of the very recent refugee crisis.
Its like when a Woman was made the Captain of Star-Trek for the first time and then immediately got the whole ship and crew lost, out in the Universe. Also, Merkel has an uncanny resemblance to Hitler in a lot of photos, which has even me thinking.
Just went through the very special moment of writing down the good old "Microsoft Office" in my CV and it fucked up the formatting to no end and I'm actually struggling and feeling stupid af now. :tickled:

I should be on support tbh, Greys any advice on that?