The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm not going to take self-control advice from an obese contrarian who has made it his goal in life to rebel against the orthodoxy of liking actually good music.

It should be no shock to anybody with a brain that commenting at me is a surefire way to get me to respond. But again, it is you so maybe that goes over your head.

Make sure not to respond to this comment btw fatso.
I'm not going to take self-control advice from an obese contrarian who has made it his goal in life to rebel against the orthodoxy of liking actually good music.

It should be no shock to anybody with a brain that commenting at me is a surefire way to get me to respond. But again, it is you so maybe that goes over your head.

Make sure not to respond to this comment btw fatso.

Too late. I like lots of music considered 'good' in the GMD universe. I just don't get the hype around most of the music labeled 'good' on this shithole board
I know the difference. Either way, you have some Pavlovian response to replying to every single post on this board so I could just post OOBA DOOBA all the time and you would feel compelled to respond. You should probably exhibit some self control or stop posting all the time.

To be honest, you should be glad that @CASSETTEISGOD posts so much because he makes you appear like significantly less of a no-lifer who has to be a part of every discussion than you seemed to be a few years ago when he wasn't here yet. If he keeps going, he might even eclipse your post count this year.
I'm not going to take self-control advice from an obese contrarian who has made it his goal in life to rebel against the orthodoxy of liking actually good music.

It should be no shock to anybody with a brain that commenting at me is a surefire way to get me to respond. But again, it is you so maybe that goes over your head.

Make sure not to respond to this comment btw fatso.

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I bought a bottle of this shit to add to food to generally play with. I added too much to my stir fry sauce I just made.
It's an interesting experience really.

My teeth hurt. I'm pretty sure my lips have a chemical burn on them. Tears absolutely streaming from my left eye. I had an overwhelming need to vomit.... which was fucking terrifying but has since subsided.

I've had ghost pepper and different kinds of habaneros. Nothing has caused such searing pain as this. Will study further after healing from this one.
Damn. This past year I had some experience growing ghost and Carolina reaper peppers. I made some ground pepper spice and a few hot sauces out of it. To be honest I just found them to be difficult to work with because of the potency, though I really do like the flavor of the ghost pepper. I like spicy foods, and oftentimes like making my food blazing hot, but I get the feeling that the "hothead" community is more about bragging rights and acting tough than it is about flavoring. Products like that you just linked just seem unnecessary.

That said, have you ever heard of a brand of potato chips called Blair's Death Rain? The Habenero flavor has a great blend of spicy and sweet and they are addictive as hell.
Damn. This past year I had some experience growing ghost and Carolina reaper peppers. I made some ground pepper spice and a few hot sauces out of it. To be honest I just found them to be difficult to work with because of the potency, though I really do like the flavor of the ghost pepper. I like spicy foods, and oftentimes like making my food blazing hot, but I get the feeling that the "hothead" community is more about bragging rights and acting tough than it is about flavoring. Products like that you just linked just seem unnecessary.

That said, have you ever heard of a brand of potato chips called Blair's Death Rain? The Habenero flavor has a great blend of spicy and sweet and they are addictive as hell.

My intent when buying it was to enhance the spiciness of flavors I already enjoy. It doesnt have a specifically pungent flavor so it can be added as a heat increase. I like wing sauce but I'm so accustomed to eating hot things the standard does nothing for me, for it to be hot to me I have to go for a super hot variety, which usually tastes like shit.

I'm definitely not bragging btw, that hurt like fuck and made me sick.

I grow habaneros and thai chilies every year. Those are the ones I really like. I blame it on working in dusty environments for years. Things have to be spicy for me to really taste them.

And I've never had the blair chips before. I've had Pacqui ghost pepper tortilla chips... and they're okay.
My intent when buying it was to enhance the spiciness of flavors I already enjoy. It doesnt have a specifically pungent flavor so it can be added as a heat increase. I like wing sauce but I'm so accustomed to eating hot things the standard does nothing for me, for it to be hot to me I have to go for a super hot variety, which usually tastes like shit.

I'm definitely not bragging btw, that hurt like fuck and made me sick.

I grow habaneros and thai chilies every year. Those are the ones I really like. I blame it on working in dusty environments for years. Things have to be spicy for me to really taste them.

Yea, ive met people who have really high spice tolerances, so I understand what you are saying. The guy puts spice on literally everything he eats, which imo is a bit overkill, but whatever you like I guess.

And I've never had the blair chips before. I've had Pacqui ghost pepper tortilla chips... and they're okay.

Ive had those, and they arent nearly as good as the Blair ones. Nor as hot either. Kind of bland tbh. The Blair habenero or jolokai flavors are hot enough to give me a burn and a sweat even if I only eat a chip or two. If you ever see them, give them a try.