Man the crybaby meter is off the charts lately about these two specific words, and I mean from the side that "wah, I can't use these words out of the gabillions of words I have to choose from." Or, more importantly from my admin side, depending on the context, it may get deleted until the heat dies down from the previous blowout.
You Oz are wrong, as is most everyone that assumes what I did or did not do from an admin side.
I handled it. Your case was different. I've never had to say anything to Disconnected that I recall, and he's "relatively" new - so he was handled differently than you. You have been here a while now, and a former admin. You knew better. Him, I had to give benefit of the doubt, so he was warned (like I ALWAYS do before a ban). THAT'S what happened.
And yes, I have said IN PUBLIC - that regulars were the ones reporting, and they were the ones tired of the overuse. Look it up - that was nothing secret. I will however, never reveal names because it's irrelevant. If I see that over the course of time that I have been running this site, that long time users are reporting issues (not just one offs) - then something is amiss. Simple logic.
In the grand scheme of things (and forums out there), if you think this is an end of the world thing where I ask that the N and F words be limited because of overuse - I don't know what to tell you. It's pretty petty to call that censorship - to me it's simple common courtesy.