Are you staying because you can insult people freely? You havent really been here very long in the scheme of things btw, people did actually get banned in the past for acting like mongs. You came around in the golden age of stupidity when Deron all but abandoned us.
I'm simply saying it because I think it's nonsensical to point out how free we are compared to other sites while we at the same time (imo) slowly move towards a reduced freedom in the same league as the other sites you're using as a contrast to tell us how lucky we are to be here.
And if you didnt know anything about Cammy, I suppose you might not know why she might at least be mildly offended by people dropping N-bombs around here.
The point being what? Being offended is a good justification to ban the use of words in any context? I'm biracial, there are many racial slurs I could potentially be offended by, so fucking what. Say them to me and I'll simply say something back.
Why do you always try to make something out of nothing?
Do I? Perhaps my idea of what nothing is is different to yours. I think this is a definitive something of which I have some thoughts on.
I’ve never reported anything to Deron. I don’t get offended easily, and never ran to a mod about anything.
I didn't say you did or are. I pointed out that you're being hypocritical for characterizing people who are criticizing Deron's actions as babies while completely overlooking the babies who were so offended by words that they have reported posts so often as to spur Deron into action.
I think y’all are looking for an easy way to be rebellious, and it’s not right.
Honestly, I think he’s being too nice and some of you are taking advantage. You seem to forget it’s not your forum. It’s his. He asked you and explained why he didn’t want x and y. In any game you play there are parameters to follow or else it’s not a game.
Yes, the people who mass-report words are taking advantage of Deron being so nice that he won't just tell them to fuck off and stop being offended babies. If he wants to ban my account because I am criticisng him, he can do so because contrary to your retarded view that I don't know or remember that it's his site, I actually do know that. My criticism of him aren't demands, they're just my opinions as a user.
Siding with a “parenthesis” using textbook nazi who just got here is ridiculous. For those of you who don’t know the (((((())))) signals Jew. He’s wrong and strong and just needs to shut up already.
a) he's a self-described Jew so his use of ((())) has a context you're completely ignoring (as in, he's clearly trolling) and b) I'm not fucking siding with a Nazi and that's a really low and pathetic attempt to delegitimize my view on this topic. I'm siding with freedom of speech as a principle, I'm opposing censorship and what I see as a slippery slope in action (what word is next etc) and if that puts me on the side of some dickhead user so be it, but I'm doing it for myself because I don't want to restrict what I can and can't say.
I'm not demanding the right from Deron to have that freedom, I'm merely arguing for it and criticisng everybody else.
Again, what a bunch of sycophants lmao.