The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Are you staying because you can insult people freely? You havent really been here very long in the scheme of things btw, people did actually get banned in the past for acting like mongs. You came around in the golden age of stupidity when Deron all but abandoned us.

I'm simply saying it because I think it's nonsensical to point out how free we are compared to other sites while we at the same time (imo) slowly move towards a reduced freedom in the same league as the other sites you're using as a contrast to tell us how lucky we are to be here.

And if you didnt know anything about Cammy, I suppose you might not know why she might at least be mildly offended by people dropping N-bombs around here.

The point being what? Being offended is a good justification to ban the use of words in any context? I'm biracial, there are many racial slurs I could potentially be offended by, so fucking what. Say them to me and I'll simply say something back.

Why do you always try to make something out of nothing?

Do I? Perhaps my idea of what nothing is is different to yours. I think this is a definitive something of which I have some thoughts on.

I’ve never reported anything to Deron. I don’t get offended easily, and never ran to a mod about anything.

I didn't say you did or are. I pointed out that you're being hypocritical for characterizing people who are criticizing Deron's actions as babies while completely overlooking the babies who were so offended by words that they have reported posts so often as to spur Deron into action.

I think y’all are looking for an easy way to be rebellious, and it’s not right.


Honestly, I think he’s being too nice and some of you are taking advantage. You seem to forget it’s not your forum. It’s his. He asked you and explained why he didn’t want x and y. In any game you play there are parameters to follow or else it’s not a game.

Yes, the people who mass-report words are taking advantage of Deron being so nice that he won't just tell them to fuck off and stop being offended babies. If he wants to ban my account because I am criticisng him, he can do so because contrary to your retarded view that I don't know or remember that it's his site, I actually do know that. My criticism of him aren't demands, they're just my opinions as a user.

Siding with a “parenthesis” using textbook nazi who just got here is ridiculous. For those of you who don’t know the (((((())))) signals Jew. He’s wrong and strong and just needs to shut up already.

a) he's a self-described Jew so his use of ((())) has a context you're completely ignoring (as in, he's clearly trolling) and b) I'm not fucking siding with a Nazi and that's a really low and pathetic attempt to delegitimize my view on this topic. I'm siding with freedom of speech as a principle, I'm opposing censorship and what I see as a slippery slope in action (what word is next etc) and if that puts me on the side of some dickhead user so be it, but I'm doing it for myself because I don't want to restrict what I can and can't say.

I'm not demanding the right from Deron to have that freedom, I'm merely arguing for it and criticisng everybody else.

Again, what a bunch of sycophants lmao.
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You do make things way more personal than what it is. I've lurked here for a few years before actually posting and from what I remember, he's been trying to get people to stop saying N for like probably over decade (I didn't lurk that long but from what I remember it's always been an issue). It's not due to recent "trigger" news. Idk, maybe he, himself, doesn't like it that much? There is no freedom of speech on a fucking privately owned message board. He's not trying to be liberal authoritarian either. He gave dickface the benefit of the doubt when he proved to be a huge asshole. And idc who he is, he thinks he's on some high horse and I'm sure him being Jewish doesnt stop him from masturbating to Hitler's Mein Kampf. You can be yourself, and you don't need to be necessarily nice here either. He just doesn't want this for example:


These are the kind of people, more than anything, that drive actual conversation away from the boards. And most times they have really bad taste in music too, so it makes it just pointless to even come here for music recommendations too.
Anyways, my steam is gone. I'm too lazy to be picking apart quotes. You don't have to agree with me, but I don't think what I'm saying is far from the truth, unless someone can prove me wrong in a logical way.

Losing revenue or whatever way he phrased it, it wasn't anything new. I don't think Deron is a "SJW" as its called in these parts. From what I read, probably more moderate/conservative. So him saying to chill isn't coming from the place you think it's coming from.
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You do make things way more personal than what it is.

I don't take many (if any) things personally, I think what happens is that people take what I say personally because I tend to have no filter and come across as an asshole. Anyways it's irrelevant imo.

I've lurked here for a few years before actually posting and from what I remember, he's been trying to get people to stop saying N for like probably over decade (I didn't lurk that long but from what I remember it's always been an issue).

Though I wouldn't personally ban that word (interesting that "nigga" isn't banned though from what I can tell) but I didn't make an issue over it because it was already banned when I joined, so why bother. But now that this new word is banned I think it's just revealing a pattern that will potentially expand and it all depends on something as arbitrary as how many people can get butthurt at one time enough to mass-report and spur Deron into action, I think that's fucking ridiculous.

Idk, maybe he, himself, doesn't like it that much?

If that were the case, he could have stated that from the start. But instead his justification for the bans have been entirely down to reports. Could be so, but to use that as the justification at this point would be very opportunistic imo.

There is no freedom of speech on a fucking privately owned message board.

What do you mean? I'm not trying to pass an American constitutional-style law on his website, I'm arguing for freedom of speech as a principle. I think it would be best to err on the side of a total free use of words and people who get offended by words can use their own speech to debate it or just use the block function.

There is or isn't freedom of speech on a privately owned message board depending on what the owner wants to do. Are you saying I shouldn't at least be allowed to try to sway his opinion on how to run things? Are you really that much of a God damn sycophant dude?

He gave dickface the benefit of the doubt when he proved to be a huge asshole. And idc who he is, he thinks he's on some high horse and I'm sure him being Jewish doesnt stop him from masturbating to Hitler's Mein Kampf. You can be yourself, and you don't need to be necessarily nice here either. He just doesn't want this for example:


These are the kind of people, more than anything, that drive actual conversation away from the boards. And most times they have really bad taste in music too, so it makes it just pointless to even come here for music recommendations too.

Okay? So some shitty quality conversations can exist, I really don't see how that's a threat to anything or anybody.

Losing revenue or whatever way he phrased it, it wasn't anything new. I don't think Deron is a "SJW" as its called in these parts. From what I read, probably more moderate/conservative. So him saying to chill isn't coming from the place you think it's coming from.

Yeah I'm probably left of Deron, again so what? I don't see how any of this is relevant.
If your goal is actually to convince Deron to do things differently, then you should contact him privately instead of posting a bunch of assumptions about his thought process and calling people names. That just seems more rational to me.
If your goal is actually to convince Deron to do things differently, then you should contact him privately instead of posting a bunch of assumptions about his thought process and calling people names. That just seems more rational to me.

I prefer to do things openly and I'm not calling people names anymore than anybody else has. Interesting that you post this here rather than message me on Facebook like you usually would, perhaps take your own advice and try to convince me privately rather than save genuine discussion for private messages and opportunistic public condemnation for the GMD.
We've already discussed this privately and agreed that we both feel differently about the issue because I feel that Deron can do what he wants on his own website.

I'm not trying to convince you to do anything. Your methods in this topic are still presumptuous and unlikely to actually make a good case for what you're advocating. Most people won't listen to someone who has already decided in advance to assume things about them and share them publicly.
I'm also going to piggyback off of what has been mentioned by others here and say that you haven't been here long enough to have a historical context of the fact that Deron did used to enforce things more strictly and that this is more of a return to what he did previously than something that is actually new and worth being alarmed by. He has almost closed this entire section on more than one occasion due to such issues.
What have I assumed about people that is irrationally arrived at here? Meanwhile FD is assuming that the new guy is a Nazi who masturbates over Mein Kampf and both you and she have assumed a whole shitload of things about Deron like that maybe he banned the f-word because he just doesn't like it. Well, what other words doesn't he like enough to ban? Or is that me assuming too much?

You're being two-faced.

If your goal is actually to convince Deron to do things differently, then you should contact him privately instead of posting a bunch of assumptions about his thought process and calling people names. That just seems more rational to me.
I'm not trying to convince you to do anything.


We've already discussed this privately and agreed that we both feel differently about the issue because I feel that Deron can do what he wants on his own website.

I haven't said anything to the contrary, again you're opportunistically doing this publicly for some weird reason. I never once said that Deron can't do what he wants with his own site.

I'm also going to piggyback off of what has been mentioned by others here and say that you haven't been here long enough to have a historical context of the fact that Deron did used to enforce things more strictly and that this is more of a return to what he did previously than something that is actually new and worth being alarmed by.

So because it's a return to more censorious times, I shouldn't be alarmed? That makes no sense at all.
The fact that you're alarmed at all by the idea of a privately run heavy metal website having rules means that we're not going to agree on anything.

Well alarmed was your word in fairness, I'm not alarmed I'm just irritated. But the fact that you're such a sycophant that you think criticising the way the owner of a privately run website does things is something in the realm of the unreasonable means that we won't agree on anything.

Edit: the hypocrisy is that the report function serves the same exact purpose as what I am doing right now, it criticises the owner for not deleting any post featuring the word and in that way makes a suggestion for the owner to do something. I however cannot report the owner.
I've criticized Deron plenty of times for plenty of reasons. I don't really care about this particular thing one way or the other.

What exactly makes me a sycophant? Is it the fact that I criticized you for using hypotheses and assumptions about Deron's thinking processes as the core of your argument?