The Ozzman
Melted by feels
I seem to remember Deron indicating that he's lost advertising revenue from people saying the N word and that's probably why he asked for it to stop initially
You do make things way more personal than what it is.
I've lurked here for a few years before actually posting and from what I remember, he's been trying to get people to stop saying N for like probably over decade (I didn't lurk that long but from what I remember it's always been an issue).
Idk, maybe he, himself, doesn't like it that much?
There is no freedom of speech on a fucking privately owned message board.
He gave dickface the benefit of the doubt when he proved to be a huge asshole. And idc who he is, he thinks he's on some high horse and I'm sure him being Jewish doesnt stop him from masturbating to Hitler's Mein Kampf. You can be yourself, and you don't need to be necessarily nice here either. He just doesn't want this for example:
These are the kind of people, more than anything, that drive actual conversation away from the boards. And most times they have really bad taste in music too, so it makes it just pointless to even come here for music recommendations too.
Losing revenue or whatever way he phrased it, it wasn't anything new. I don't think Deron is a "SJW" as its called in these parts. From what I read, probably more moderate/conservative. So him saying to chill isn't coming from the place you think it's coming from.
So many people getting banned. Hey HBB, can you use the N or F word here and join TB and the future DFR?
If your goal is actually to convince Deron to do things differently, then you should contact him privately instead of posting a bunch of assumptions about his thought process and calling people names. That just seems more rational to me.
If your goal is actually to convince Deron to do things differently, then you should contact him privately instead of posting a bunch of assumptions about his thought process and calling people names. That just seems more rational to me.
I'm not trying to convince you to do anything.
We've already discussed this privately and agreed that we both feel differently about the issue because I feel that Deron can do what he wants on his own website.
I'm also going to piggyback off of what has been mentioned by others here and say that you haven't been here long enough to have a historical context of the fact that Deron did used to enforce things more strictly and that this is more of a return to what he did previously than something that is actually new and worth being alarmed by.
So because it's a return to more censorious times, I shouldn't be alarmed? That makes no sense at all.
The fact that you're alarmed at all by the idea of a privately run heavy metal website having rules means that we're not going to agree on anything.
I've criticized Deron plenty of times for plenty of reasons. I don't really care about this particular thing one way or the other.
What exactly makes me a sycophant? Is it the fact that I criticized you for using hypotheses and assumptions about Deron's thinking processes as the core of your argument?
2 words in 17 years. This slippery slope sure does chafe.
The core of my argument is that the list of banned words is on an expansive trend. How does that fall into anything you've just said?
Also, to calling people names, Deron actually started it by calling certain people babies and as an aside, the report function is the literal definition of suggesting the owner of the website do something he may or may not want to do.