The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

And report is a way to bring attention

If I report a post because it offends me, it is a suggestion that you; delete the post, shadow-ban the word causing offense, warn the user or ban the user. It is a suggestion by definition and that you don't always act on reports further proves that.

2 words (maybe a couple more variations, not sure).

Indeed and what will be the next word? My bet is on "cunt" because it could be construed as a sexist slur. The feeling of being bullied is extremely subjective, I've been called racial slurs on this very site, have you ever once gotten a single report from me, besides the time I reported TechBarb for post spoilers on a TV show I watch?
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I don't take many (if any) things personally, I think what happens is that people take what I say personally because I tend to have no filter and come across as an asshole. Anyways it's irrelevant imo.

You called me emotional a few pages ago, but I remember when this topic first came up you and a few others stated you would leave. I don't see how that's NOT taking it personal.

Though I wouldn't personally ban that word (interesting that "nigga" isn't banned though from what I can tell) but I didn't make an issue over it because it was already banned when I joined, so why bother. But now that this new word is banned I think it's just revealing a pattern that will potentially expand and it all depends on something as arbitrary as how many people can get butthurt at one time enough to mass-report and spur Deron into action, I think that's fucking ridiculous.

I guess, I just don't care enough to even be worried about this. The way the board is, where the majority of the users have been here for more than a decade, I doubt it'll change drastically.

If that were the case, he could have stated that from the start. But instead his justification for the bans have been entirely down to reports. Could be so, but to use that as the justification at this point would be very opportunistic imo.

Idk him. Can't speak on this.

What do you mean? I'm not trying to pass an American constitutional-style law on his website, I'm arguing for freedom of speech as a principle. I think it would be best to err on the side of a total free use of words and people who get offended by words can use their own speech to debate it or just use the block function.

There is or isn't freedom of speech on a privately owned message board depending on what the owner wants to do. Are you saying I shouldn't at least be allowed to try to sway his opinion on how to run things? Are you really that much of a God damn sycophant dude?

Again, I've never even spoken a word to or about Deron before today. So how would I be a sycophant? You've done that more here, than I've ever done. I'm just seeing what's right. I know you think I care about the N word but I don't. The people who used it here are either extremely crazy or like have other issues that's beyond racism. And tbh, this isn't the first time this conversation has come up and if I already know how you and a few others feel about censored words, then he knows too. It's two words. One of which is already in the coding. Opinions were expressed before, and decisions were already made. Not being able to use a word on a privately owned forum isn't a dealbreaker for me. I come here for music, movies and the occasional discussion. Nudes still posted, stories of buttholes from all over the world are still shared, and all the other charming HBB stories are still shared. It's not a huge deal at all.

Okay? So some shitty quality conversations can exist, I really don't see how that's a threat to anything or anybody.

Are you kidding? Last page you were just complaining about these users. People do complain about the boards being shitted up ALL THE TIME.

Yeah I'm probably left of Deron, again so what? I don't see how any of this is relevant.

It's relevant because I'm trying to prove to you a decision to not have two words used isn't some leftist takeover of safe spaces.This board is attached to a name - an actual person.
It is indeed an interesting conversation, and I am always perplexed at the social aspect of people who treat the Internet different than they would in real life. Not different necessarily, than if you were with a bunch of friends in a private setting, but in general as in out in public, a workplace, at a concert with tons of people you do not know, shopping, sitting at a table in a restaurant - I just don't see you all using these words as part of your normal vocabulary in general conversation (in a public setting).

I'm not perplexed at all, most people who use forums don't use their real names or real photos of themselves etc. Anonymity is a great thing imo.

But in the very end, for me, if you really step back and think about the accepted definition of the words - the N word is a derogatory word for an African American. The F word is a derogatory word for a gay male. Their core meaning is hateful, bullying, and meant to cause the most verbal harm if you're black and/or a gay male.

ALL insults are hateful and bullying at their core so all you've done here is make the case that all hateful and bullying words should be censored. That you only censor two specific words only speaks to a favouritism of hurt feelings. Why not just ban all hateful words? My thinking essentially is that you might ban other hurtful words, granted there is enough offense on the part of users behind it.

You called me emotional a few pages ago, but I remember when this topic first came up you and a few others stated you would leave. I don't see how that's NOT taking it personal.

I don't think censorship impacts only me, so it's not personal to me, I'd simply leave on principle rather than stay around and be subject to word bans. I recall calling your reaction to the thread as reactionary and emotional, sure. I still think it was, it was pretty evident in the language you used which was riddled with moral condemnation.

I guess, I just don't care enough to even be worried about this. The way the board is, where the majority of the users have been here for more than a decade, I doubt it'll change drastically.

Fair enough. I can only judge the forum based on my own experiences.

Again, I've never even spoken a word to or about Deron before today. So how would I be a sycophant? You've done that more here, than I've ever done. I'm just seeing what's right. I know you think I care about the N word but I don't. The people who used it here are either extremely crazy or like have other issues that's beyond racism. And tbh, this isn't the first time this conversation has come up and if I already know how you and a few others feel about censored words, then he knows too. It's two words. One of which is already in the coding. Opinions were expressed before, and decisions were already made. Not being able to use a word on a privately owned forum isn't a dealbreaker for me. I come here for music, movies and the occasional discussion. Nudes still posted, stories of buttholes from all over the world are still shared, and all the other charming HBB stories are still shared. It's not a huge deal at all.

You weren't even in my mind as a person who is reeling over the use of bad words until now. I don't even want to point the finger at specific users because it's their right to report and it's Deron's right to manage his site how he sees fit, I'm simply criticisng and opposing the choices people have made.

It's some kind of deal to me, not to you perhaps but we aren't the same person. I called you and others sycophants because you're going so far out of your way to defend Deron's actions against a tiny minority of relatively powerless people who disagree with his actions.

Edit: in some cases while at the same time claiming not to even care about the subject.

It's relevant because I'm trying to prove to you a decision to not have two words used isn't some leftist takeover of safe spaces.This board is attached to a name - an actual person.

That wasn't my assumption or implication though. The right have a much crazier history with censorship than the left does anyway...
ALL insults are hateful and bullying at their core so all you've done here is make the case that all hateful and bullying words should be censored. That you only censor two specific words only speaks to a favouritism of hurt feelings. Why not just ban all hateful words? My thinking essentially is that you might ban other hurtful words, granted there is enough offense on the part of users behind it.

You are correct, but generally they are opinions of a person such as asshole, cunt, fuckwad, dipshit, shit stain...

Being black is not a choice - you just are.
Being gay is not a choice (in my opinion) - you just are.
The words banned attack something about people they can not change by choice, and therefore to me are of no use around here, especially when overused.

Maybe there will be other words in the future? I'm not Censordamus, so I'm not sure. I've seen nothing to add to my radar at this time.
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The core of my argument is that the list of banned words is on an expansive trend. How does that fall into anything you've just said?

Also, to calling people names, Deron actually started it by calling certain people babies and as an aside, the report function is the literal definition of suggesting the owner of the website do something he may or may not want to do.

Edit: what makes you a sycophant? Well one example would be that you admit you don't care about this particular subject yet here you are defending the single person in the position of power on this website as if you do.

Let's examine some key points here that are indisputable.

  1. You are using the hypothetical argument about this being a slippery slope as one of the main elements of your argument, as I said.
  2. Without evidence, you are claiming that Deron changes rules based only on the report function rather than his own personal desires as one of the main justifications for why it is wrong. This is called an assumption.
  3. I stated that this is Deron's website and that he can do what he wants here regardless of whether or not we agree with it. This is not a defense of Deron. It's just a true statement.
Again, you are being a [banned word] if you expect me to take you or your claims that I'm sucking up to Deron seriously.
@CASSETTEISGOD Honestly that dude that came from nowhere set me off, not you. If he wasn't so blatantly out of order, I probably would've read this while drinking and had a good laugh. Again, when I see something that gets a rise, i respond until I'm out of gas. Like now. I'm pretty shot dude. Do you, I wasn't bothered.
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I also want to add, so there's no confusion, I have no issues with you CiG, Ozz, even TB honestly. I don't agree with you guys sometimes - or often on things like this - but I think you all add value here with your music knowledge. And THAT for me, in the end, is what this site is about and revolves around.
You are correct, but generally they are opinions of a person such as asshole, cunt, fuckwad, dipshit, shit stain...

Being black is not a choice - you just are.
Being gay is not a choice (in my opinion) - you just are.
The words banned attack something about people they can not change by choice, and therefore to me are of no use around here, especially when overused.

Maybe there will be other words in the future? I'm not Censordamus, so I'm not sure. I've seen nothing to add to my radar at this time.

Well that's a definite indication that "cunt" will be banned, since being a woman is not a choice, or would that be a transphobic assumption?

Let's examine some key points here that are indisputable.

  1. You are using the hypothetical argument about this being a slippery slope as one of the main elements of your argument, as I said.
  2. Without evidence, you are claiming that Deron changes rules based only on the report function rather than his own personal desires as one of the main justifications for why it is wrong. This is called an assumption.
  3. I stated that this is Deron's website and that he can do what he wants here regardless of whether or not I agree with it. This is not a defense of Deron. It's just a true statement.
Again, you are being a [banned word] if you expect me to take you or your claims that I'm sucking up to Deron seriously.

1. Yes, that is my hypothetical basis for my position against censorship, that once you ban one word most people agree about, it eventually expands. This can be viewed IRL as something that always happens with censorship.

2. I haven't once stated that Deron ONLY changes the rules based on the report function. That's dishonest, please either return with evidence that I stated that or cease talking shit. You assumed that he just doesn't like the words, that was an assumption on YOUR part.

3. A statement I haven't once said anything to the contrary of, yet you keep bringing it up for some weird reason.

Also, I don't give a single shit if you do or do not agree with me, get over yourself please.
These are honestly some of the most lax boards I've ever been on. There have been others I've been on and am still on where people get banned for the pettiest of reasons.
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I haven't once stated that Deron ONLY changes the rules based on the report function. That's dishonest, please either return with evidence that I stated that or cease talking shit.

Show me all the posts where you openly acknowledge any possibility other than that the words were banned because of people reporting them.

You assumed that he just doesn't like the words, that was an assumption on YOUR part.

You said that Deron was changing the rules because a bunch of people reported things rather than because he agreed that the words should be banned and that if he said otherwise now, it would be opportunistic of him rather than honest. This is an assumption.

I told you that you don't know whether he agreed or disagreed with those words being used. We now have confirmation that he does not agree with their use since he said so himself.

Why do you think that I care if you agree with me? You probably won't because you like being incorrect.
I mean, I don't really mind any of the standards that Deron has hinted at so far considering everything that he has had to do to keep the forums going.
Add me to the sycophant club. If adding a second word to a list of forbidden words on a forum where pretty much no one is ever banned constitutes a slippery slope, I think our hypothetical grandchildren may have something to worry about when MetalAges the Third inherits the website. Who seriously gives a fuck.

Honestly, this place is more lax than 4chan (porn posting aside).
Eh whatever. I'm trying to engage in less shitfests and non-music threads anyway, but if it gets worse I'll probably leave. We'll see.

Show me all the posts where you openly acknowledge any possibility other than that the words were banned because of people reporting them.

Why would I acknowledge that possibility when Deron himself has explicitly stated that he acted as a response to reports? Utterly idiotic suggestion.

You said that Deron was changing the rules because a bunch of people reported things rather than because he agreed that the words should be banned and that if he said otherwise now, it would be opportunistic of him rather than honest. This is an assumption.

I said that because that's what he's said multiple times in the past. That's not an assumption, that's based on his statements to us.

Add me to the sycophant club.


These are honestly some of the most lax boards I've ever been on. There have been others I've been on and am still on where people get banned for the pettiest of reasons.

Same. This is why I'm animated about it, as I'd like to keep it that way personally.
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A few years ago, I took a girl to Long Beach for a date at the Queen Mary's. We were on The Passport - a bus that takes you to all the attractions in Long Beach late at night, and sat in the very back. In the corner seat sat a lady in her 40's, completely fucked up on crack or meth (not sure) and just talking to herself. She began getting angry and started shouting threats at certain people in the bus, stuff like "Hey you N****, what the fuck you looking at?". She even looked at my date and went "You Selena-looking bitch". The whole bus was collectively groaning at this crack-whore and wanted nothing more than for her to get her ass out, but we kept her because at the end of the day she wasn't hurting anyone and it was a long walk in the dark without the bus.

My point is, shut the fuck up CIG.
My point is, shut the fuck up CIG.

Make me, you incoherent cunt.

It is indeed an interesting conversation, and I am always perplexed at the social aspect of people who treat the Internet different than they would in real life. Not different necessarily, than if you were with a bunch of friends in a private setting, but in general as in out in public, a workplace, at a concert with tons of people you do not know, shopping, sitting at a table in a restaurant - I just don't see you all using these words as part of your normal vocabulary in general conversation (in a public setting).

So in your mind, in real life if someone says the n-word or the f-word, people who hear it should run to the nearest police officer and have them silenced? That's the analogy here. If you say something fucked up among friends or whatever, you aren't censored, you're argued with, socially condemned, peer pressured etc.

On this forum such a thing isn't what's happening, what happens IRL is what I'd prefer to happen here, rather than being silenced by a mod. Just a thought, as I didn't think your comparison to real life really made much sense.
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Why would I acknowledge that possibility when Deron himself has explicitly stated that he acted as a response to reports? Utterly idiotic suggestion.

I wanted to avoid playing the seniority card, but I'm really over you acting like you know hpw this site has been all this time.

What's really utterly idiotic is the fact that you're arguing about this when Deron has personally asked people not to use such insults before because he doesn't want them on the site. That's going back way before you got here. I've personally been warned for a variety of behavior during the decade that I've posted here on and off, but I've never been banned because this site has such lax policies.

Some other good reasons are the fact that he loses ad revenue used to pay for the site when advertisers don't want their ads featured here anymore and when bands get fed up with posters like yourself and stop paying to have their official forums hosted here, both of which have actually happened.

As I said before, you lack the historical context to even have this argument and your whole argument is based on hypotheses and assumptions.

(@MetalAges, I'd love for you to confirm that you've made these requests for the reasons that I've stated.)

Side note: We never had a hard time getting good new members on this site in the first few years that I was here. Things went downhill when people who wanted to fight mods and everyone else joined.
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