I wanted to avoid playing the seniority card, but I'm really over you acting like you know hpw this site has been all this time.
What's really utterly idiotic is the fact that you're arguing about this when Deron has personally asked people not to use such insults before because he doesn't want them on the site. That's going back way before you got here.
Some other good reasons are the fact that he loses ad revenue used to pay for the site when advertisers don't want their ads featured here anymore and when bands get fed up with posters like yourself and stop paying to have their official forums hosted here, both of which have actually happened.
As I said before, you lack the historical context to even have this argument and your whole argument is based on hypotheses and assumptions.
@MetalAges, I'd love for you to confirm that you've made these requests for the reasons that I've stated.)
Side note: We never had a hard time getting good new members on this site in the first few years that I was here. Things went downhill when people who wanted to fight mods and everyone else joined.