The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I just ate three eggs that I got from one farmer I visited last week. I need to call him tomorrow. He's really chill and gave me 25 eggs. I'm also listening to weird contemporary music for oboe.

What else.

Tomorrow doctors are going to look in my butt.

I haven't had brie in so long.
Really don't eat that much cheese.
Probably a good thing because I love it

So you've never stayed up all night eating cheese?
Reading gross shit on the internet.

TheAmbassador posted:
"My aunt is a nurse, and she told me a hell of a story about this. Wasn't too outrageous, but its just a testament to a man's dedication to sex.

She was assisting a doctor with a severely morbidly obese woman. Apparently she had managed to contract a huge amount of STD's, which she had ignored for months, because apparently the hideous stench of it wasn't able to overpower the stench from the months of sweat and dirt accumulated in her folds. Side note about that, think about the last time you worked outdoors with your hands. If you rubbed your hands together, little balls of dirt mixed with sweat would form. Imagine those now to be nearly basketball sized and flattened, mixed with discharge from yeast infections stored for months in the folds of fat. That is this woman.

Anyway, my aunts job was to hold the folds up while the doctor went in to clean up. She's a nurse, she's cleaned **** and puke off old people that was there so long it began to corrode their skin, and she had to leave to vomit.

After everything is done, the woman's husband shows up, skinny, ratty looking guy, and she asks for him to be let in. At one point, talking to the man, the doctor asked, out of sheer curiosity, how the two of them have sex. The man was happy to answer.

He places her into the corner of the room, face first. Then, using a lot of tape, straps each of her butt cheeks to the wall, and ***** her until they tear free."

"I used to take care of a woman thaat came in all the time for a wide variety of problems. She weighed close to 600 lbs. She lived with a house full of men around a dozen or so. One time she came in with a raging infection within the folds of her abdominal fat. the first time we debrided it I thought I was going to pass out from the smell. She had several abcessed areas on her abdomen. and we kept finding big wooden splinters in these spots. Come to find out ALL of the men that lived with her were having sex with her and would use a 2x4 board to push up the folds so they could have sex."

Good lord! Fap material for HamburgerBoy no doubt.
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PSA to all people who don't like musty, strong aromas of certain types of cheese:

Avoid all wild fermented beers because those are way funkier and weird than most of those cheeses and often pair really well with pungent food. They're becoming fairly popular among beer drinkers in recent years.
PSA to all people who don't like musty, strong aromas of certain types of cheese:

Avoid all wild fermented beers because those are way funkier and weird than most of those cheeses and often pair really well with pungent food. They're becoming fairly popular among beer drinkers in recent years.
I have no issue with rich smelly cheese usually, it’s just goat that gets me.
I’ve never had a problem with the smell of goat cheese, tbh you’re the first person I’ve ever even read mentioning it.

My sense of smell seems fairly dull for whatever reason but I do take issue with cheeses carrying heavy ammonia smells such as Brie.