The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I don't like blue cheese or others that taste that salty. And then there's the case where restaurants have dispensers of powdered parmesan on all the tables and they've gone off enough to make the whole place smell exactly like vomit.
I love cheese, but I avoid buying it because it's a bit too addictive for me.

"Letting myself go" on food is a major bucket list item, and that includes becoming an aficionado of exotic cheeses.
I think I will follow this advice! I’m so old now that hangovers last for days!

Also, vote in the Morbid Angel thread bitch. Let all these falsies know that Blessed are the Sick is one of the best ever!
I'm on it, need to listen to a few before I can put my list up. Listening to Heretic now, doesn't seem as bad as I expected it to be.
I'm on it, need to listen to a few before I can put my list up. Listening to Heretic now, doesn't seem as bad as I expected it to be.

I'm biased because Heretic was my first Morbid Angel album, but it really isn't that bad. I don't understand all the terrible fanfare it gets. Granted, it's no Formulas or Gateways, but it's been proven they can do much, much worse.
I'm biased because Heretic was my first Morbid Angel album, but it really isn't that bad. I don't understand all the terrible fanfare it gets. Granted, it's no Formulas or Gateways, but it's been proven they can do much, much worse.

I like the Tucker era overall more than the Vincent era. Has anyone else checked put the new album?
I'm biased because Heretic was my first Morbid Angel album, but it really isn't that bad. I don't understand all the terrible fanfare it gets. Granted, it's no Formulas or Gateways, but it's been proven they can do much, much worse.

I think it’s because Heretic is really bland and boring. Which Morbid Angel never were before - even the stuff I didn’t like, at least it wasn’t completely uninspired. Illud is the more offensively bad album, but Heretic is a whole load of nothing. I’d rather have the former, at least it was terrible in an entertaining way.

I feel like shit! Hangovers getting worse as you age is so cruel!
I'm biased because Heretic was my first Morbid Angel album, but it really isn't that bad. I don't understand all the terrible fanfare it gets. Granted, it's no Formulas or Gateways, but it's been proven they can do much, much worse.
I need to listen to it again, I got about half way through and got really bored. The production seemed really weird not in a good way.

I feel like shit! Hangovers getting worse as you age is so cruel!
Did you take my advice or what? I'm old and get drunk regularly but always try to make sure that I drink water before passing out or I get up and drink a lot of it as soon as I wake from my stupor and go back to bed.
I did, I drank 2-3 big glasses of water before crawling into bed and then I drank some when I wake up. I guess I do feel slightly more alive than usual!

The worst part is, I used to get absolutely shitfaced and I’d wake up feeling fucking fresh and revitalised. Now I wake up and I’m still drunk with a pounding head and waves of nausea and feeling like I haven’t slept, more like I’ve just been unconscious for a few hours. It’s horrendous! And then I start to sober up anywhere between midday and 5pm depending on how much I’ve drank and then the hangover kicks in proper. A headache is not a hangover, I can deal with that! It’s the feeling of your stomach churning and like it’s hollow (I can’t even explain it) and barely being able to move that gets me. I usually can’t eat either.
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Had the worst hangover the other day. I normally don't do shots cuz I know how bad my hangovers get when I do, but I did shots. I woke up several hours later between my refrigerator and the counter. I think my girlfriend pushed me there but I can't confirm this. Then I miraculously crawled to an armchair and got some sleep there. I was still drunk all the next day. I was so nauseous too. I couldn't leave the apartment till like 6pm, when I demanded a milkshake. Last night was my first real effort drinking since then and it went well. Craft beer and old fashioned's are my jam. Fuck you, shots.
Sounds hilarious! I tend to not do shots anymore either. I used to fucking love sambuca and tequila! Especially black sambuca.

But yeah, I don’t feel quite as bad when I drink quality drink as opposed to the utter shite they have in most clubs near me! Been getting into craft beers over the past year after not liking beer at all. I’ve realised that’s because the most popular beers that they have everywhere on draught are fucking nasty and give beer a bad name!
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Yeah there's so many beer varietals that you will definitely find something that suits you well. Although I'm now trying to drink more Guinness and less craft beer just to save on my caloric intake. Must prevent the "beer belly"! Whiskey is good for that purpose as well.
Shots are fine as long as you only do 2-3 tops. An icy cold shot of Jägermeister to get things moving is a great opener to a night of debauchery.
Sounds hilarious! I tend to not do shots anymore either. I used to fucking love sambuca and tequila! Especially black sambuca.

But yeah, I don’t feel quite as bad when I drink quality drink as opposed to the utter shite they have in most clubs near me! Been getting into craft beers over the past year after not liking beer at all. I’ve realised that’s because the most popular beers that they have everywhere on draught are fucking nasty and give beer a bad name!

I tried to tell you this years ago. You're making me proud, young one.
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