The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

A colleague drinks craft beer almost exclusively and got me into them. Much better than your normal draft beer. You were correct.

Contemplating a career change! Had a really shitty two days with kids not even understanding the most basic of things. Which would be fine, except they're not even trying to understand and are instead focusing on inventing problems that don't exist as a form of work avoidance. I cannot stand the current apathy and blame culture of modern British teenagers. They have zero accountability for their actions and it's everyone else's fault. Parents do not help with this, by siding with their kids and insisting they've done nothing wrong. Sure, I spent my time after school to call you up to invent some lies about your child. They definitely weren't being rude, and they definitely were not having a conversation while I was explaining the work, and they certainly were not so disruptive and having such a negative impact on learning that I had to remove them from the class. Fuck off.

I can't do this for another 35 years!
Contemplating a career change! Had a really shitty two days with kids not even understanding the most basic of things. Which would be fine, except they're not even trying to understand and are instead focusing on inventing problems that don't exist as a form of work avoidance. I cannot stand the current apathy and blame culture of modern British teenagers. They have zero accountability for their actions and it's everyone else's fault. Parents do not help with this, by siding with their kids and insisting they've done nothing wrong. Sure, I spent my time after school to call you up to invent some lies about your child. They definitely weren't being rude, and they definitely were not having a conversation while I was explaining the work, and they certainly were not so disruptive and having such a negative impact on learning that I had to remove them from the class. Fuck off.

It isn't just Britain.
Well no it probability isn’t. But I’ve met teachers from various European countries who are shocked and appalled by the behaviour of British kids! Back chatting to teachers and being generally rude is unheard of where they come from.
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I'm weirdly attracted to the idea of becoming a high school teacher, even though it seems like a brutal job. It's mainly the "making a difference in the world" aspect that appeals.

I don't mean this as a career idea -- more of a bucket list thing if I reach a point of financial security where I can give teaching a try and not be worried about money if I can't handle the job. I think I'm at an age where I have a reasonably thick skin for juvenile bullying, and as long as the classroom isn't severely noisy / out of control, I can tolerate an inherent rate of failure from a portion of the students. I'm better than most people at accepting when something broken can't be fixed.

The biggest question, given my extreme introversion, is whether I could handle the energy of a classroom without shriveling into a robot who never smiles at students or gives them any positive emotional feedback when they do well. On top of that, I wonder if I even have enough inherent empathy to really connect with students and inspire them, regardless of how I handle the energy. I've had a tendency in life to withdraw from people who are exceptionally needy.
Went to see Slayer/LoG/Anthrax/Behemoth/Testament yesterday. Anthrax sounded much better live than I expected.

Nice. I swore off seeing Slayer again since Jeff died, although I'm thinking about making an exception for this. I was hoping they'd tour through the Balkans because I haven't been there yet and could pick up good tickets for cheaper than the price of greens in the US, but that's not the case. I might go to the show in Łódź if they don't add a second European leg for 2019 (which they might). Would work out well because Poland is pretty cool and polish girl lives there.
Nice. I swore off seeing Slayer again since Jeff died, although I'm thinking about making an exception for this. I was hoping they'd tour through the Balkans because I haven't been there yet and could pick up good tickets for cheaper than the price of greens in the US, but that's not the case. I might go to the show in Łódź if they don't add a second European leg for 2019 (which they might). Would work out well because Poland is pretty cool and polish girl lives there.

Assuming they stick with this being the final tour seems like the thing to do. I saw Slayer/LoG last year so I hadn't intended on this year but figured I sort of ought to. I never cared for Slayer before but after seeing them twice the old albums are starting to click.
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Shit, wish I'd found out about their last tour sooner...

You could use it as an excuse to make a trip to Europe. At least from the East Coast, flights to and from Europe in the off-season bought months in advance (earlier the better) aren't half bad. I flew round trip to Berlin a couple of years back for about $400 by booking round trip flights from NYC to Copenhagen through Icelandair and Copenhagen to Berlin from the now-defunct Air Berlin, and cheaper is definitely possible because that was only two months in-advance.
Went to see Slayer/LoG/Anthrax/Behemoth/Testament yesterday. Anthrax sounded much better live than I expected.

I didn't go to the show around here but I wanted to see Anthrax the most out of all the bands. I really enjoyed For All Kings and it got me to actually check out more Anthrax.
You could use it as an excuse to make a trip to Europe. At least from the East Coast, flights to and from Europe in the off-season bought months in advance (earlier the better) aren't half bad. I flew round trip to Berlin a couple of years back for about $400 by booking round trip flights from NYC to Copenhagen through Icelandair and Copenhagen to Berlin from the now-defunct Air Berlin, and cheaper is definitely possible because that was only two months in-advance.
Eh... I like Slayer a lot, but not quite enough for that much money and effort.

The biggest trip I've ever made just to see one show was Colorado for Ween two years ago, their first show after being "retired" for ~5 years. Ween is easily one of my top 20 artists though, Slayer's more like #100.