The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I used to not drink coffee at all. I started a couple years ago and then shortly afterward I began having severe migraine attacks, during the worst one I was clutching my head and screaming at the top of my lungs for about a solid minute. So I try not to drink too much coffee anymore.
Fortunately I'm good with one or two but I see your point. People who drink multiple pots a day baffle me.

Just remember, if you drink coffee with anything in it, you have a low coffee IQ:

Actually, no it doesn't. Even quality coffee tastes awful when consumed black.

Well in that case your tongue is just degenerate.

So everyone in the world who doesn't like black coffee has a degenerate tongue? Wow.....
I don't drink coffee in any form, but anyone that can't drink coffee black is a pussy.

I used to drink energy drinks every weekend but stopped when I started to think they were making me sick. Never really for the caffeine though, just for something stupidly tart to sip on. After a several month fast I decided to try a Red Bull at night when cramming for my comps, and while it settled alright, I didn't even get a caffeine buzz and went straight to sleep a couple hours later. I had a great-grandmother who was apparently completely immune to caffeine, in addition to being schizo or something. Aryan ubermensch don't require drugs, just willpower.
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I have a coffee with breakfast and sometimes another in the afternoon. I would never have more than 2 cups a day and I can’t stand the feeling of being over-caffeinated.
Don't be mad because I actually enjoy this place and try to make the most out of it, while on the other hand you skulk around like a depressed contrarian gothkid constantly acting like you hate this place but can't seem to be a big boy and leave. ;)

You enjoy it yet you did ragequit for several months. I like how you keep circumventing the question i asked you.

While I act like that, I do glean some good recommendations from this place and it keeps me informed of new releases. The other part is just habit.
You enjoy it yet you did ragequit for several months. I like how you keep circumventing the question i asked you.

While I act like that, I do glean some good recommendations from this place and it keeps me informed of new releases. The other part is just habit.

Was over one individual, not because I hate this place.
I was being a dumb cuck, came back, apologized and got on with it.

Basic milk on flaky cereal or muesli for me. My diet is p. slack otherwise. The milk moves my metabolism along, otherwise I get insomnia something fierce. Caffeine would probably work for that too but I haven't felt the need for it. I had strong coffee after dinner once a few years back and slept just fine afterwards. Of course, I often get up so late that after I've eaten breakfast I'm straight into eating lunch or whatever...
I used to not drink coffee at all. I started a couple years ago and then shortly afterward I began having severe migraine attacks, during the worst one I was clutching my head and screaming at the top of my lungs for about a solid minute. So I try not to drink too much coffee anymore.