The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

HBM is your highschool does you highschool have different levels of courses?

This made me lol.

How many here know what the actual answer is though? My prof showed a video from Harvard's commencement where 21/23 randomly selected people got it wrong.

I had to think about it for a second before I realized that I did know, and that you'd have to be stupid not to know by the time you're in college.

Normally I don't find other's reading skills to be too egregious, and even the following example I'm about to relay I don't mind too much, but the fact that this was a class where pretty much everyone is an English major didn't help. One girl was asked to read a passage from Oliver Twist, and she had no fluidity in her prose (e.g. not pausing for commas, periods, semi-colons), and she misdispronounced a few words here and there. Granted, they're not words that the average person may know how to pronounce with ease, but she's an English major.
im studying for an italian test
after three years i still haven't figured out how to form even the simplest of sentences correctly
should have joined the army.the recruiters at my school have a way of making it sound like the best lifestyle choice you can make. which is scary :zombie:

The Marines harassed me for about a year. Then one time they actually called me at work. I got really mad and cut the Sgt. off mid-sentence. I told him to go fuck himself and hung up on him. You should have heard the voicemail he left me after that. :lol: They haven't bothered me since though. Now my only problem is those damn Devry recruiters.
writing a song and drinking green tea
about to watch Army of Darkness yet again
...i need to stop being obsessed with that damn movie

This is my....BOOMSTICK:)
I just got back from my Sociology 101 lecture which I am finding interesting. My dad always says that sociologists borrow your watch to tell you the time, and I kind of agree, but I also think some of the stuff we are learning might be shocking to some people.
i've decided to completely erase every scrape of music off my iPod and start anew, so now im browsing these forums looking for kickass bands. I'd appreciate any good recommendations seeing as im kind of new to metal
confused as to how dodens can give infractions on perfectly acceptable posts

As a replacement for banning you. But I'm talking to Deron now to hopefully get the power to temporarily ban you, so don't worry about it.

i've decided to completely erase every scrape of music off my iPod and start anew, so now im browsing these forums looking for kickass bands. I'd appreciate any good recommendations seeing as im kind of new to metal

I'm your man. :cool: