The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Try Sobe "No Fear" then. Those motherfuckers will have you flying at work.

Right now I am actually drinking coffee. My morning ritual is making a pot of Dunkin Donut coffee and check my Craigslist account.
Scrubs is crap

Intellectually, I know it is. And yet I enjoy it...I dunno.

Gonna watch some of The Wire on DVD. It was on HBO. You can tell because there's tons of gratuitous sex and profanity. Not just gratuitous in the sense that they could have gotten around it, but actually like they put it in for the sole reason of making the show edgy. Other than that, it's decent, if a little slow. Mostly only watching it because netflix is late on the shipments of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Watched The Wire. There was a scene where for about 3 minutes all anyone said was "fuck," over and over. I'm not joking. It was actually funny.
just got back from a show. saw an awesome band called sonic vomit. basically, it was instrumental grindcore. picture cephalic carnage with no vocals and more solos! i was seriously impressed. cant wait to see em again

and now... sleep! actually, prolly some west wing, then sleep.
Recently awoke on a beautiful Saturday morning. It snowed overnight and we have a fresh blanket of white on the ground (which is nice because it had nearly all melted and was turning all muddy).
Did another radio show last night and all went well, but they're still dragging their asses on setting up the web-stream, despite them hiring my tech friend as a consultant for this operation.

Going to have my weekend muffin, fruit and coffee in a little bit.