The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

It occurs to me that 3 llamas is more than enough.

I fucking hate freshmen, for the sole reason that they have no fucking clue of how to stand in a hallway. Hint: You don't form a cordon blocking off the entire corridor. Unfortunately, some impulse in me to be a decent human being stopped me from simply slapping them aside (I easily could, they're fucking tiny), and as a consequence I was almost late to a class today.
It occurs to me that 3 llamas is more than enough.

I fucking hate freshmen, for the sole reason that they have no fucking clue of how to stand in a hallway. Hint: You don't form a cordon blocking off the entire corridor. Unfortunately, some impulse in me to be a decent human being stopped me from simply slapping them aside (I easily could, they're fucking tiny), and as a consequence I was almost late to a class today.

Awuh, don't hurt the little kids.

Are you a HS senior?
And 6'5.
And I've been working out. I don't think I'd need to push them, I could probably just pick one up and throw him at the herd (freshmen come in herds, sophomores come in gaggles, juniors come in packs, and seniors come in gangs) of moronic hallway-standing freshmen.
I fucking hate freshmen, for the sole reason that they have no fucking clue of how to stand in a hallway. Hint: You don't form a cordon blocking off the entire corridor. Unfortunately, some impulse in me to be a decent human being stopped me from simply slapping them aside (I easily could, they're fucking tiny), and as a consequence I was almost late to a class today.
Oh god I hated that. I gave so many people the shoulder senior year. It's not just freshmen, it's everyone. I think the majority of people are unaware that there are in fact other human beings living on the earth. People also don't know how to walk correctly either. God damn it how hard is it walk on the right side of the hallway.
I fucking hate freshmen, for the sole reason that they have no fucking clue of how to stand in a hallway. Hint: You don't form a cordon blocking off the entire corridor. Unfortunately, some impulse in me to be a decent human being stopped me from simply slapping them aside (I easily could, they're fucking tiny), and as a consequence I was almost late to a class today.


I've got a good story. At the end of my senior year of high school I had a little freshman in one of my classes who really wanted to fight me for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Seriously I never said a word to the kid, or for that matter to anyone in the class I had with him because I knew no one. Needless to say I told the kid several times he was fucking retarded and that I wasn't going to fight him because there was absolutely no reason to. The police also routinely pressed charges against adults (18 year old seniors) who assaulted minors (underclassmen) in the high school. Of course the kid felt tough acting like an ass to a senior in front of his friends and walking away unscathed. The whole thing was so humorously retarded that I didn't care.
College freshman are annoying too. I've been attending the first-year Honors lectures (philosophical/religious/mythical texts from the pre-Christian era), since it's my realm of interest, and they are incredibly disrespectful to the lecturers.
Oh god I hated that. I gave so many people the shoulder senior year. It's not just freshmen, it's everyone. I think the majority of people are unaware that there are in fact other human beings living on the earth. People also don't know how to walk correctly either. God damn it how hard is it walk on the right side of the hallway.

Agreed. I also hate when like 8 girls (or even guys) all walk beside each other. I admit sometimes my friends and I do this but usually we're in a group of 4 or less and I ALWAYS move out of the way and try to be as courteous as possible.
Agreed. I also hate when like 8 girls (or even guys) all walk beside each other. I admit sometimes my friends and I do this but usually we're in a group of 4 or less and I ALWAYS move out of the way and try to be as courteous as possible.

:lol: I walk in a straight path, if someone walks into me, their fault. Especially a group, fuck them.
I can't walk in a straight line. If I walk in a group I end up slightly nundging someone into a wall or a road or something. I'm told it's incredibly annoying.
:kickass: If they aren't going to move, why should i? :lol: It's a game of chicken, but i always throw the shoulder.

:lol: My friend basically engaged in chicken on the road once. The car in front of us was SO SLOWWWW, so he was going to go around it on a 2 lane road. This truck was coming the other way. Now this car is really slow and shitty so we didn't make it past (i think the other car might have sped up lol) but we won the game. They went to the side of the road. I bet they were pissed. I was scarred shitless btw.
:lol: My friend basically engaged in chicken on the road once. The car in front of us was SO SLOWWWW, so he was going to go around it on a 2 lane road. This truck was coming the other way. Now this car is really slow and shitty so we didn't make it past (i think the other car might have sped up lol) but we won the game. They went to the side of the road. I bet they were pissed. I was scarred shitless btw.

I hate when trying to pass someone, they decide to be dick holes and speed up. It's a good thing i don't have an assault rifle at that moment in time, or there'd be a dead random stranger.:heh:

Listening to Blackwater Park and working on Calculus.

I've got a good story. At the end of my senior year of high school I had a little freshman in one of my classes who really wanted to fight me for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Seriously I never said a word to the kid, or for that matter to anyone in the class I had with him because I knew no one. Needless to say I told the kid several times he was fucking retarded and that I wasn't going to fight him because there was absolutely no reason to. The police also routinely pressed charges against adults (18 year old seniors) who assaulted minors (underclassmen) in the high school. Of course the kid felt tough acting like an ass to a senior in front of his friends and walking away unscathed. The whole thing was so humorously retarded that I didn't care.
The freshmen around here are the opposite; tiny and timid. In my Java class last year there was a freshmen and one day early in the year he just started crying at his seat. No one had said anything to him or anything. I didn't know what to do at the time (I was right next to him) so I just sat there awkwardly (fuck him, comforting wimpy freshmen isn't my job, I never got all weepy when I was a freshman), but it was pretty funny.

Agreed. I also hate when like 8 girls (or even guys) all walk beside each other. I admit sometimes my friends and I do this but usually we're in a group of 4 or less and I ALWAYS move out of the way and try to be as courteous as possible.
My friends and I never walk in a wide group in the hallways. We go in rows, 2 abreast, although rarely are all four of us together at once inside. On the sidewalk we always make room for people we pass, although we do drive each other into the street or bushes.
I hate when trying to pass someone, they decide to be dick holes and speed up. It's a good thing i don't have an assault rifle at that moment in time, or there'd be a dead random stranger.:heh:

Listening to Blackwater Park and working on Calculus.

Speaking of assault rifles, I want one... lol.

Right now I'm browsing the interwebz and listening to something I made with FL Studio, check it out if you're bored: