The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Have not been up to long and am drinking coffee.

Y'all want a single say fuck that
Fuck that, Fuck that!
Got my first stat quiz back. Got an 88 (22/25). One mistake was where I wrote median instead of mean - that was a legitimately retarded mistake, although my calculations were correct. One was because she had an issue with one of my graphs; I thought taking 4% off the quiz for that was a little harsh, but w/e. The third was completely unexplained. I'm slightly pissed.
My dad might just kill me, being a statistics professor.
And yeah, oops. Wrong thread, kinda. Sorry.

My friend is photoshopping a pic for my history project. Waiting on that. Hopefully will be awesome. I am god.
I come on in the afternoon, and often at night.
I get all my hw done, play guitar two hours a day and do all my fitness stuff, so I don't really care if I spend the rest of the time on forums.
Agreed. I also hate when like 8 girls (or even guys) all walk beside each other. I admit sometimes my friends and I do this but usually we're in a group of 4 or less and I ALWAYS move out of the way and try to be as courteous as possible.
I always feel bad when my less walking aware friends get in someone's way. Luckily one of my good friends is like me so we can commiserate.

:lol: I walk in a straight path, if someone walks into me, their fault. Especially a group, fuck them.
Stay strong brother
Listening to music and probably going to bed early because will have to deal with cunt tomorrow and she better be prepared because am sick of her shit. She's going to drive me insane. I swear she wants to get violent with me so the bitch is going down.