The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm packing up my entire room and throwing away all my useless shit. I also gotta start thinking of how I am to sell some of my music gear and what to bring over.

Looks like I'll be moving to a different state and city/town for a good while for work as of Monday. Sigh... It'll be a good experience but I'm going to miss all my friends, family and band.
fuck itunes for getting me to download album art it couldn't find then not bothering to actually put it over onto my ipod. I seriously fucking hate that. I've wasted so much time. Fuck which ever dickless gay techie made the decision that lead to this being the case. Fucking homo. Fuck you you gay bastard.
having italian beer and spicy salami while dicking around on the internet
^ That’s disgusting.

EDIT: What a fucking dumb american piece of shit.
That guy must have skipped the part in history when our country was meant to be secular... And when our motto was "e pluribus unum" instead of "in God we trust."
i don't see anything wrong with it. why shouldn't kids be allowed to pray at school?
They are allowed to pray at school. Muslims in my area could get excused from classes when it was time to pray. No one's stopping people from busting out a prayer. They just can't make everyone participate.
The whole war on Xtianity in America is a myth. Conservative backwards Christians rule our country, and that's why America is fucked. The politicians and pundits just say that garbage to make the majority of Americans, who want a secular country, feel like shit.
The hilarious thing is that this country hasn't been getting more secular. It's just the politicians using what they can to manipulate who they can into taking their side. I love how they act like the country is getting more secular when PUBLIC schools in the south have banned teaching evolution.

"Yeah, we stopped teaching scientific fact in some schools because we disagree with it, but this shit's getting way too secular, man!"