The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

So stupid drunk guy story time.

Apparently I had a couple skin tags on my neck that rubbed on my shirt or something. My drunken brain decided a hook blade razor blade (I use these at work) was the ideal removal tool. I "think" I cut the first one off and it went fairly smoothly. My second attempt, according to the mark on my neck sliced directly through the middle of the skin tag and about an inch and a half to two inches down my neck.

My girlfriend noticed this in horror as I was sitting in the living room with blood running down my neck. I did get it to stop bleeding so I guess I won't need stitches or anything...

Jesus fuck. You okay?

This puts my drunk stories to shame. You're a fucking animal.
My worst drunken injury as a result of stupidity was fracturing my heel.

That woulda bee much cooler if blood had started leaking outa my foot.

Or if I'd managed to do it with a razor.
:lol: when I'm drunk I just black out then fall asleep.

Like today I woke up in some room and on some bed and had no idea where I was for a second. Then I remembered "oh yeah I stayed over a friend's house because I couldn't make it back to the Bronx."

Adulting is fun.