The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just got back from my trip down to Connecticut. There was a lot of traffic in New Hampshire, and just in general. I went down for the Metal Masters show. I'll post my review later in the concerts thread.

Also, I don't feel like seeing what I missed in the past few days, so did anything interesting happen here?
Just finished a 4 mile jog now i'm going to eat two pieces of whole grain toast and drink a whey shake. Love protein maximization.
Just got home from work and took a shower. I'm now idly sitting around twiddling my thumbs, avoiding getting dressed for as long as possible even though I have lots to get done in the next two hours. I guess I should just get up and stop procrastinating.
Being depressed because I've come to the realization that school will begin in a couple of weeks. :(

I wish summer could last forever.
It sucks that the summer is ending. I really didn't have enough spare time, frankly. But then, you never do, do you?

Looking for a patch for diablo II.
That too.
I don't even know what classes I'm in. I request them, sure, but who knows what I'll wind up in. The one I have the lowest chance of getting into (lottery system, but there's only one class and it's 25 kids and about 36 request it) is also the one that I'm doing summer work for. Great...
Talking to Derek (from UM), contemplating what time I should get up tomorrow morning, wondering what my work schedule is going to be like...
Waiting for my girlfriends to come over. We're having girls night and I've rented Titanic 2000, a movie which promises to be positively awful. It's basically a porn spoof of the original Titanic movie except in this version it's called the TITanic and it has an evil lesbian vampire named Vladmirina on board. It looks just terrible.