The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm snowed in, which is lame. What's not so lame is that, evidently, nothing stops the mail. My DVD copy of the complete first season of The Adventures of Pete & Pete arrived today. Suddenly, I'm actually okay with being snowed in.
I remember there was an earthquake that could be felt in Chicago a year or two ago as well, but I slept through it. Last summer there was one in LA that was pretty wobbly, but thankfully nothing broke.
there was an earthquake? cool
a year or two ago there was one in southern Illinois, I was upstairs in the bathroom at work and it felt like someone was outside the door jumping up and down. was cool as hell.

I got my new cable modem. holy fuck! talk about smooth! Comcast, your RCA piece of shit needs to be set on fire!
Yeah, the fucking earthquake here was pretty crazy. Woke me up out of a sound sleep but i thought i was still dreaming at the time. It wasn't until i woke up the second time that realized what had happened.
I got a new keyboard for my compy last week, and tonight I just plugged in a new mouse. First time I'd replaced either since I got the computer in '03. The old keyboard had an up-arrow key that would only work once every five hits or so, and the mouse would get stuck constantly no matter how often I cleaned the gunk from the rollers (new mouse has a laser). Amazing how much less shitty it is to use my computer now!
Don't get fired for having some erotic image krig posted on your computer screen when the little children enter the class.