The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Old School is AIDS. If you facetiously call people an 'asshole' or something because they don't like a certain band (eg. If you don't like Armored Saint, you're an asshole ;)), then your post gets edited and you get a warning.


I had a post deleted there for telling someone they were "immune to logic" in their "Portnoy leaves DT" or whatever thread. I also had a part of my post deleted in their "Best Ozzy guitarist" thread for saying, word for word, "I can't take anyone who votes for Zakk Wylde seriously." Old School and AIDS aren't very far off at all.
I had a post deleted there for telling someone they were "immune to logic" in their "Portnoy leaves DT" or whatever thread. I also had a part of my post deleted in their "Best Ozzy guitarist" thread for saying, word for word, "I can't take anyone who votes for Zakk Wylde seriously." Old School and AIDS aren't very far off at all.

:lol: that was not even insulting, that is just a fucking opinion
what a bunch of retards, they really need to take out the sticks they obviously have up their asses
Just woke up, it's later then I want it to be! About to make some breakfast and so some laundry. Fuck yeah! I guess..
:lol: that was not even insulting, that is just a fucking opinion
what a bunch of retards, they really need to take out the sticks they obviously have up their asses

The glory of GMD + GMDSF is that I can call you a fucking retard and mean it as an insult. And pretty much everyone is okay with it.

I did get a post deleted and a message from Metal-Ages once for saying "Now she has two holes on her face you can fuck" on some thread about war crimes or some crap, woman's face was mutilated. Believe the message said "Come on dude...."
The glory of GMD + GMDSF is that I can call you a fucking retard and mean it as an insult. And pretty much everyone is okay with it.

I did get a post deleted and a message from Metal-Ages once for saying "Now she has two holes on her face you can fuck" on some thread about war crimes or some crap, woman's face was mutilated. Believe the message said "Come on dude...."

Yeah, I saw that everyone insults each other here. And if you ever called me a fucking retard, I would not give a flying fuck anyway.

I lol'd. Most people I know online would have thought you are a complete motherfucker, but I don't think that you are a sick fuck that would actually fuck the bullet holes, so whatever. It's just a stupid post. :lol:

Internet is not srs bsns
Gonna buy a Canon Rebel XS tomorrow, looking forward to getting it!

And damn, today was a busy day. Helped run a study in the lab, went to class, got food, drove to work and ate while driving, then picked up my brother and got home. About a 13 hour day :lol:
Gonna buy a Canon Rebel XS tomorrow, looking forward to getting it!

And damn, today was a busy day. Helped run a study in the lab, went to class, got food, drove to work and ate while driving, then picked up my brother and got home. About a 13 hour day :lol:

I like Canon cameras, I plan on buying one as soon as I cover my school and metal festival expenses :) . The only bad thing about them is the fact that they occupy a lot of space and are kind of impractical to carry around at certain places.

But, then again, I only have an old A530 laughing stock of a digital (it's been around since 10th grade, but still use it), so anything with a better resolution that doesn't need to be on 'Auto' for a clear photo sounds good to me.
Gonna buy a Canon Rebel XS tomorrow, looking forward to getting it!

And damn, today was a busy day. Helped run a study in the lab, went to class, got food, drove to work and ate while driving, then picked up my brother and got home. About a 13 hour day :lol:

How much you putting down for it?
What do you plan on using it for (high end point and click type stuff, or do you want to get serious?)
I like Canon cameras, I plan on buying one as soon as I cover my school and metal festival expenses :) . The only bad thing about them is the fact that they occupy a lot of space and are kind of impractical to carry around at certain places.

But, then again, I only have an old A530 laughing stock of a digital (it's been around since 10th grade, but still use it), so anything with a better resolution that doesn't need to be on 'Auto' for a clear photo sounds good to me.

Yeah, a good friend of mine shoots with one, and I think my mom has the same one as well. I've been thinking about getting one for awhile

How much you putting down for it?
What do you plan on using it for (high end point and click type stuff, or do you want to get serious?)

$225. I want to get serious with it. My friend has been building up his skills and his pictures are turning out fantastic, and I want to achieve something of that level (and he's still fairly amateurish).

Here's a few examples of what I'd like to do based on his stuff:





Some of those are pretty neat, though. Canon just has some really nice filters as well, the colouring ends up good. I'd like to get more serious about my photos as well - it's really only the camera stopping me. Most of mine are band/concert pics, which I post on deviantart or contribute them to webzines.

225$ ? That's really cheap! Here it's around 400 $, if not more.
Yeah I've felt the same way for awhile, but since the camera is being sold for such a low price (as opposed to like, the used price on amazon which is $400+) I'm gonna go for it. I'll need practice shooting concert photos, but hopefully by the time Scion Rock Fest is, I'll be ready. The downside is that I don't even know the next show thats gonna be in Vegas :erk:
Yeah I've felt the same way for awhile, but since the camera is being sold for such a low price (as opposed to like, the used price on amazon which is $400+) I'm gonna go for it. I'll need practice shooting concert photos, but hopefully by the time Scion Rock Fest is, I'll be ready. The downside is that I don't even know the next show thats gonna be in Vegas :erk:

Haha, well metal concerts are plenty to choose from here. Money for new cameras is more hard to come by at this rate...
By the way, might as well advertise my talent; here are some of my photos:

Click on the 'Concerts' folder.
I keep falling asleep during the afternoon then feeling to fucked when I wake up to do the work I should have done earlier.
$225. I want to get serious with it. My friend has been building up his skills and his pictures are turning out fantastic, and I want to achieve something of that level (and he's still fairly amateurish).

That... is really low; I recommend getting a good healthy looking body so you can actually turn around and be able to sell it in the future if you become even more serious. Be sure to at least look at the internal mirror to see if it is dirty in any way (take off lens, point at face, take picture - you will see the reflexive lens come up and go down - it's a pain in the ass to clean these, and if they are damaged they are very expensive).

Granted, bodies are no where near as important as the glass you have on them, but bodies will inhibit your ability to shoot. On the 1000d, I think the ISO only goes to 1600, and I am not sure exactly how noisy that will look. This might be a problem if you are trying to do low-light photography without a flash. A bigger problem though will be the pipeline limitations: 3.0 fps for a jpeg/1.5 for RAW (meaning you will be able to take the pics per second as a jpeg or 1.5 a second in RAW format). Counting you should be shooting RAW to save yourself from light-based fuckups, your shooting will take a while comparatively.

You know, you might be getting a body only though, which means you will need a lens. If you get the kit lens (which should be a 3.5-5.6 18-55mm), then you should know it is probably the most decent kit lens that comes with a camera. Not to say that the lens is super great (I hated it), but it's not bad per say. BUT if you do not get a lens with it, DO NOT DESPAIR. You can get a way better prime lens for $99 (Canon 50mm 1.8). It's sharp, it's fast, and it is literally the best lens you will get for that price. This little bastard is a thing of beauty, and should honestly be your first lens purchase.