What Is The WORST Metal Subgenre?

What is the WORST metal subgenre?

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Both metalcore and black metal have produced a smorgasbord of horrible bands for different reasons. Black metal's rotting core can be attributed to its ease of composition and subsequent popularity with bedroom and basement composers who can't assemble a band to save their lives (much like djent). Metalcore, on the other hand, was a trending genre, and thus suffered from a massive host of bandwagoners producing contrived tunes for a quick dollar (much like djent).

Pointing to one as holistically better than the other is a fool's errand.

However, as indicated, djent suffers from both of these dilemmas, so while I enjoy some good Animals as Leaders and Chimp Spanner, gun to my head, I'd probably have to say djent is the worst metal subgenre.
I guess if I had to choose from those listed I would pick power metal cuz even the so-called great albums of power metal (Helloween, Blind Guardian) sound pretty fucking horrible.

If Deathcore (and Metalcore) wasn't in the list; I think I would have probably gone with power metal as well.
If Deathcore (and Metalcore) wasn't in the list; I think I would have probably gone with power metal as well.

I can listen to Deathcore and some Metalcore but I do not like it. I can't even listening to Power Metal. Their voices is making my brain spin 360s in my head. :bah:
Yeah I get what you mean. The singing that is often done in power metal can get quite intolerable...

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Besides obvious choices like metalcore/deathcore and power metal I'd also pick grindcore. Just can't stand all that 'under one minute songs' thing. Usually it's impossible to memorize at least one track from 30 or above absolutely identical tracks on album, what makes listening useless and quite bothering. What's the reason to put 40 or so tracks on a record? I don't get it.
Can't blame people for being sparkly, satin-swathed, and 80s as shit, when plenty of other male musicians were doing the same thing.

Yes C.M., you can. You not only can - you should.
Accept, Metallica and Pantera saved the whole shit. They deserve props. And the other sell out "trannies" - anti props.
1. Grindcore
2. Black Metal
Everything else. Honestly I can't fathom how people can listen to anything underproduced and enjoy it. I can't tell what the fuck is going on in any given grindcore song and if you can record an album by yourself in your bedroom, I've already assumed you're an insane person and it's not good.
1. Grindcore
2. Black Metal
Everything else. Honestly I can't fathom how people can listen to anything underproduced and enjoy it. I can't tell what the fuck is going on in any given grindcore song and if you can record an album by yourself in your bedroom, I've already assumed you're an insane person and it's not good.

Power Metal, Folk, Metalcore and Deathcore are gay as fuck.

Black Metal is one of the better genres, just crying faggots who complains.
Go to your wonderland and slay some dragons under a rainbow.