What Popular Metal Bands Do You Hate?

Iron Maiden. Can't stand the singer after seeing him live. Sad since he has decent vocals. Cheesy as fuck though, and such an attention whore. Waves the british flag in your face. fuck that.
Iron Maiden. Can't stand the singer after seeing him live. Sad since he has decent vocals. Cheesy as fuck though, and such an attention whore. Waves the british flag in your face. fuck that.

That still leaves the first two albums.
They're a great live act. If you want metal bands to act like indie bands on stage then you're too 90s.

As for crap popular bands, well all of nu metal fits into that category.
Not with 19 year old losers.

You live in the 00's tbh.

EDIT: by that I mean that it's fucking different now. This is the 10's!!!! Trad doom in high schools all the way HEY HO' LET'S GO CHTHULHU ARISEN! Yes ms. teacher?
Jimmy I told you that you can't wear that Pagan Altar patch on your school uniform, not here, not outside the class. You represent our educating facility with how you look. You want me to call your parents? AND HIDE THAT LAGER FOR CHRIST'S SAKE YOU'RE ON SCHOOL PROPERTY.
You live in the 00's tbh.

EDIT: by that I mean that it's fucking different now. This is the 10's!!!! Trad doom in high schools all the way HEY HO' LET'S GO CHTHULHU ARISEN! Yes ms. teacher?

I'm talking about a very large circle of people I know. I think knowing about metal beyond shitty nu metal, even today, in this part of the UK, requires one to be either a metalhead or a hipster.
I'm talking about a very large circle of people I know. I think knowing about metal beyond shitty nu metal, even today, in this part of the UK, requires one to be either a metalhead or a hipster.

Maybe. I rarely see anyone into nu-metal though. Recently a simple bitch told me in the pub that the band she listens to is something like Linkin Park or Limp Bizkit and I was surprised as I don't hear about those bands anymore at all.
There are two groups, basically. Bands that piss me off for being grossly overrated beyond their apparent talents in composition (Death, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, etc.

Not liking some bands (or hate 'em) is personal preference, but saying those bands have more fame than talent is a joke...

Death were a massive influence for a whole genre. Probably the very first band that played pure death metal.

Megadeth's frontman, alone started Thrash metal, and inspired SO many bands, thrash or not.

Maiden are on the same level with DIO - fathers of heavy metal.
Based on your other thread, I'm going to go ahead and say "when Yelloweyedemon disagrees with me, I pretty much know I'm right"
Popular as in mainstream or popular within the metal community?

I'll go with the latter since it will likely piss off more people

Manilla Road
early Morbid Angel
Strapping Young Lad
This is the funniest thread I have ever read. Some of you are too cool for your own good. I'd even go as far as calling you deluded cunts.
Not liking some bands (or hate 'em) is personal preference, but saying those bands have more fame than talent is a joke....

Are you fucking kidding? This is completely contradictory to your posts in the other thread where you embarrassed yourself.

Manilla Road

I have to say that I also think Manilla Road is overrated, especially in certain circles including this forum. However, hating them would be silly because Crystal Logic etc.